Un-Official Watch_Dogs Fan Site




[XBOne] Watch Dogs error code 1 -0x000000407

11:01 pm, August 22, 2014 Hello, every time I try joining an online decryption I get this message. "Attempt to join failed. Please check your network settings and try again. For more information, contact http://support. [..] View

[XBOne] Watch Dogs on xbox one stuck at Press A screen!

3:01 am, August 21, 2014 Was just wondering if anybody knew any fixes to this issue. I put watchdogs in my xbox one and its fine until it gets to the page where it say Watchdogs on top...Press A on bottom... I press A and it [..] View

[XBOne] XP Meter Not loading

11:01 pm, August 14, 2014 All of a sudden I still get XP for completing missions. But the XP meter is broken and it stays at 0. So I can't upgrade my last few skill points. I tried the uninstall/re-install but nothing worked. [..] View

[XBOne] System Mangler Achievement won't unlock

11:01 pm, August 4, 2014 Completed the last ctOS Breach and nothing popped up, looked at my achievements and the bar says 100% but hasn't unlocked, after a while on-line I have ruled out the following: - Reconnected my Uplay [..] View

[XBOne] Songsneak achievement wont unlock

11:01 pm, August 2, 2014 I have spent hours running around the city trying to find all of the songs for this only for it to not unlock when all my hard work finally paid off! How can there not be a fix for all of these achie [..] View

[XBOne] achivements not workin

11:01 pm, July 31, 2014 I was trying to obtain 3 separate achievements, magic smoke, vengeance and log off, I receive the uplay rewards for them bur not the achievement . my screen name is Xanisselis on Xbox 1. View

[XBOne] Every Achievement blocked

11:01 pm, July 28, 2014 UPlay is blocking all my achievements from popping, the Uplay platform is detecting the progress and unlocking on the rewards system but any achievement that was meant to unlocked hasnt. Beaten the ga [..] View

[XBOne] Possible Crime Stopping Bug

11:01 pm, July 24, 2014 Hey, I'm not sure if this is a bug or not. The last 6 crimes I stopped (XBOne) have had a criminal as a Bible Salesmen with the same income. If it is a bug, please fix. If it is RNG, please do somethi [..] View

[XBOne] Can't connect to online games (except cTos)

3:01 am, July 16, 2014 I've had this issue happen quite often in the last week or so where I wait for 10-20 minutes at a time for an online match (where avg wait time is 1 or 2 minutes) without a result. I do not get a erro [..] View

[XBOne] Gang hideout Achievement (Basest Base)

3:01 am, July 9, 2014 OK help UBI or anyone!!!!!!! It's now 4 days since I finished the 15th and no achievement. it's still saying 73% complete in my achievement list however the game says 15/15.... I've just completed 2 [..] View

[XBOne] Alone graphics in main game

1:36 am, July 8, 2014 No matter what part of Watchdogs I am playing, be it the main game or one of the digital trips, I am getting the graphic errors from the "Alone" minigame This means no matter where I am or w [..] View


[XBOne] achivements not workin

Feb 7, 2015, 3:22 pm I was trying to obtain 3 separate achievements, magic smoke, vengeance and log off, I receive the uplay rewards for them bur not the achievement . my screen name is Xanisselis on Xbox 1.[..] View

[XBOne] Alone graphics in main game

Jan 17, 2015, 6:29 pm No matter what part of Watchdogs I am playing, be it the main game or one of the digital trips, I am getting the graphic errors from the "Alone" minigame This means no matter where I am or what I am d[..] View

[XBOne] Every Achievement blocked

Jan 16, 2015, 12:07 am UPlay is blocking all my achievements from popping, the Uplay platform is detecting the progress and unlocking on the rewards system but any achievement that was meant to unlocked hasnt. Beaten the ga[..] View

[XBOne] Possible Crime Stopping Bug

Jan 12, 2015, 10:44 am Hey, I'm not sure if this is a bug or not. The last 6 crimes I stopped (XBOne) have had a criminal as a Bible Salesmen with the same income. If it is a bug, please fix. If it is RNG, please do somethi[..] View

[XBOne] Songsneak achievement wont unlock

Jan 9, 2015, 9:32 am I have spent hours running around the city trying to find all of the songs for this only for it to not unlock when all my hard work finally paid off! How can there not be a fix for all of these achie[..] View

[XBOne] XP Meter Not loading

Dec 25, 2014, 11:23 pm All of a sudden I still get XP for completing missions. But the XP meter is broken and it stays at 0. So I can't upgrade my last few skill points. I tried the uninstall/re-install but nothing worked.[..] View

[XBOne] Can't connect to online games (except cTos)

Dec 2, 2014, 9:49 pm I've had this issue happen quite often in the last week or so where I wait for 10-20 minutes at a time for an online match (where avg wait time is 1 or 2 minutes) without a result. I do not get a erro[..] View

[XBOne] Gang hideout Achievement (Basest Base)

Dec 2, 2014, 6:36 pm OK help UBI or anyone!!!!!!! It's now 4 days since I finished the 15th and no achievement. it's still saying 73% complete in my achievement list however the game says 15/15.... I've just completed 2 [..] View

[XBOne] System Mangler Achievement won't unlock

Dec 1, 2014, 6:59 am Completed the last ctOS Breach and nothing popped up, looked at my achievements and the bar says 100% but hasn't unlocked, after a while on-line I have ruled out the following: - Reconnected my Uplay[..] View

[XBOne] Watch Dogs error code 1 -0x000000407

Nov 29, 2014, 9:08 pm Hello, every time I try joining an online decryption I get this message. "Attempt to join failed. Please check your network settings and try again. For more information, contact <a href="http://supp[..] View

[XBOne] Watch Dogs on xbox one stuck at Press A screen!

Nov 28, 2014, 10:18 pm Was just wondering if anybody knew any fixes to this issue. I put watchdogs in my xbox one and its fine until it gets to the page where it say Watchdogs on top...Press A on bottom... I press A and it [..] View

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