Un-Official Watch_Dogs Fan Site




i need a fix for this bug i found that has been making it impossible to play

11:01 pm, October 24, 2014 glitch -----> <-----glitch so i have been having this bug/glitch ever since i started playing the game on pc and its happens all the time ive tried chang [..] View

[PC] Uplay takes me to steam store instead of starting up the game.

11:01 pm, October 22, 2014 Hello there men and women of Ubisoft. Soon to be 2 weeks ago I purchased and activated Watch Dogs. Have I gotten the chance to play yet? No, I haven't. I've tried contacting the support which have le [..] View

[PC] Mini games Unavailable

11:01 pm, October 21, 2014 Hello, I've got a problem. Whenever i go to play mini games it says "Unavailable". I have tried putting my phone away and going there another time but nothing helps. I can play digital trips [..] View

My experience so far with DLC Bad Blood on PC

3:01 am, October 16, 2014 I have played between 5 and 6h. (Might be more) Have done some missions, militia, escorte, racing, protecting the VIP, etc... Am at around 20 ~ 30% I found the VIP mission kinda annoying as you can on [..] View

[XB360] Why is Ubi Support answering something that has nothing to do with the topic?!

11:01 pm, October 7, 2014 Hey, is there someone from Ubisoft reading this forum here? About the stuff I wrote filled with rage in the 29 site long thread about the "Game Breaking Bug" I opened a ticket at Ubi Suppor [..] View

Watch_Dogs "Breaks" Mouse Control in Other Games

11:01 pm, October 6, 2014 Apparently, playing Watch_Dogs and then trying to play any Bethesda game will result in a mouse that won't move. As per this thread: I guess Watch [..] View

[PC] Game is crashing after around an hour of playtime consistently.

3:01 am, October 3, 2014 The basic watchdogs has stopped responding and needs to close crash. It's been consistent with playtime sessions between 50m and 1 hour 30m. I'm a system builder so I can tell you that temps, clocks, [..] View

Can't play Watch_Dogs on Steam

11:01 pm, September 29, 2014 Hi everyone, I bought Watch_Dogs on Steam a while ago and today I found myself unable to play it. Every time I launch the game I get an Uplay screen saying that I need to enter the key code for the ga [..] View

Can T-Bone get invaded? Also: where's Dark Steering?

11:01 pm, September 28, 2014 No-one has invaded me yet while playing Bad Blood. I'm pretty glad about this, since you start off poorly equipped compared to the state my Aiden is in. But I wondered, is there a watershed point in t [..] View

Easier to find other players to hack in Bad Blood

3:01 am, September 28, 2014 Whenever I try and do a search for another player to hack to start an online hacking contract using the smartphone, I noticed that I have a harder time getting a selection of players to hack while pla [..] View

[PC] Possible issue with reflections settings in the game, and solution?

3:01 am, September 26, 2014 I got to try the new Bad Blood download content that was released to season pass holders this week, and I'm really enjoying it so far. There are many new types of missions to complete, and the new onl [..] View

Ubisoft lied about COOP in Bad Blood

11:01 pm, September 25, 2014 In recent Twich preview of the upcoming DLC - Bad Blood, one of the developers talked about the new COOP multiplayer game mode. He described the amazing random generated ENDLESS missions, that will gi [..] View

Watch Dogs Gameplay Feedback & Suggestions

11:01 pm, September 24, 2014 I'm making this thread to share my feedback on the OFFLINE GAMEPLAY. I won't - and don't want to - discuss graphical issues, driving physics, online problems or the myriad of other things that have be [..] View

Negative Mouse Acceleration

11:01 pm, September 24, 2014 Now I just noticed this, because I've taken a break from the game and recently gotten back to it with the Bad Blood DLC release, but this game has a crippling aggravating issue with negative mouse acc [..] View

again no dlc

11:01 pm, September 23, 2014 Again, got no dlc added to my game. I paid 20 euro's for the season pass, 10 euro's extra for the deluxe edition. So far I have no early acces to the dlc (seasonpass featyre I did pay for), the same m [..] View

Can anyone help? Season Pass problems, Support is no help at all.

11:01 pm, September 23, 2014 I have the Season Pass on PS4. Before the last big patch I definitely had all the content and could use it (outfits, perks, missions like Palace) but at some point AFTER that patch everything except C [..] View

[PC] All skills and 7500 notoriety wiped away wrongfully!!

11:01 pm, September 22, 2014 I've just started playing Watch_Dogs again after a 3 months break. I've really enjoyed playing the game and really enjoyed infiltrating other players or even being infiltrated. So naturally when i be [..] View

{{Watch}}!!@ If I Stay 2014 Full Movie.. Online. Free.Megashare.

11:01 pm, September 21, 2014 Watch If. I. stay. 2014. Full. Movie. Online. Free. | Watch Online If I Stay full movie online Free [putlocker-Megashare] If I Stay film 2014 is presently accessible to ... Hey, ALL we are [..] View

No more performance patches?

3:01 am, September 19, 2014 The last time Ubisoft posted a performance patch (7/29) to help with the stuttering for those using high level textures, they said they were working on another to help address the issues with ultra te [..] View

How to hack 23,000 Notoriety players camping on rooftops

11:01 pm, September 17, 2014 Waddup guys, I thought I'd share another video related to camping. But this one provides a solution to hacking advanced players who know that they are being invaded and camp on top of a rooftop. The [..] View

How to hack 23,000+ Notoriety players camping on rooftops

11:01 pm, September 17, 2014 Waddup guys, I thought I'd share another video related to camping. But this one provides a solution to hacking advanced players who know that they are being invaded and camp on top of a rooftop. The [..] View

Er, where did my DLC go?

11:01 pm, September 16, 2014 I have the Season Pass and previously had everything released so far in the game. I'd had a look at the Palace mission, but hadn't completed it, and I could see the three missions (Signature Shot/Brea [..] View

[PC] Can't hack friends, they can hack me.

3:01 am, September 14, 2014 I was able to hack friends until a few days ago. Now, when I click to hack friends on the online map, instead of showing me a box of names (white or grey) it brings up this dialogue: [..] View

"Realistic" difficulty setting

11:01 pm, September 8, 2014 So I just finish WD on "Normal" and thinking about another play through on "Realistic" difficulty setting. Whats so "Realistic" about it? Whats the differences? View

Is any UBISOFT representative willing to...

11:01 pm, September 7, 2014 ...confirm one way or the other if there will be another patch specifically designed to address the stuttering on high-end systems using ultra textures? With the following system specs... i7-2600k @ [..] View

Question about a strange yellow profiling!!! Loading stopped at 75-76% (PS3)

3:01 am, September 7, 2014 While profiling civilians, I came across a man named Davis Nolan. Occupation: Meter Reader / The strange thing about him was that the white box that the ctOS normally highlights people with was yellow [..] View

Impressed ( Spoilers )

3:01 am, September 7, 2014 Ok I have just completed the campaign mode of WatchDogs and I must say that my previous judgements when I first had a taster of the game are not reflective of my final opinion. I found WatchDogs are c [..] View

Changing outfits and other stuff in WD Ubi please read!!!

11:01 pm, September 6, 2014 Ubi Why cant you customize or change outfits in watch dogs? and why cant you customize weapons like in far cry 3 or future soldier? I would love it if you could modify clothing vehicles and weapons bu [..] View

help, game reset to 0% again

11:01 pm, September 4, 2014 so yeah, i've completed the game again for the 3rd time, had it complete to 98.2% all missions and side missions completed, all left to do was the drinking challenge, had just achived the 12500 notoro [..] View

Losing points if other player quits

11:01 pm, September 3, 2014 Since this morning, I've been losing notoriety points if another player quits while I'm hacking them - not only this but they are gaining points! It used to be the case both players scored zero if the [..] View

Onlime free roam for xbox 360 and ps3 idea

11:01 pm, September 1, 2014 Now, as a reader, you may be thinking, "oh-no it's just another online free roam guy", but hear me out. I understand that it would be hard to implement online free roam due to the previous g [..] View

Playing on another computer -> Stats messed up

11:01 pm, August 30, 2014 Hello, I'm playing Watch Dogs on another computer at the moment and of course my save game and success were imported from uPlay Cloud. What I noticed is: - Yesterday I did a couple of online hacks, we [..] View

PC Opens in Window Mode

11:01 pm, August 30, 2014 Hi all, Since the last patch Watch Dogs always runs in windowed mode, anyone know how to fix? I've tried altering the GamerProfile.xml file before running (altering "WindowMode"'s setting t [..] View

[PS3] Game Won't Start

11:01 pm, August 29, 2014 Two days ago, I purchased a copy of Watch Dogs for the ps3 from a store. I put the CD in the ps3, downloaded the updates required for it, and went into the game. Everything seemed to be going fine. Ho [..] View

How do you play Watch Dogs?

11:01 pm, August 25, 2014 So I'm just curious, how do others play this game? In terms of playstyle in general most of the time. Which is your default playstyle: 1) Go in guns blazing 2) Sneak around and do silent takedowns [..] View

Character goes full silly

11:01 pm, August 24, 2014 Really really annoying bug, many times when I exit a vehicle, my character is completely uncontrollable. Press one direction and he goes another. Press another and he will spin in circles. What gives? [..] View

[PC] Madness car cheat?

3:01 am, August 24, 2014 I was playing Free Roam with a friend, and user [redacted] drops in. [Redacted] is never on foot, only driving the car from the Madness Digital Trip. He is absolutely indestructible, and not just beca [..] View

Wierd stuttering issue

11:01 pm, August 23, 2014 On the first two days, I had no stutters. Very occasionally, I had stutters while driving, but like I said, those were rare instances. However, over the past 2 days, the game stutters like crazy. Whe [..] View

Character goes full r-tard

11:01 pm, August 23, 2014 Really really annoying bug, many times when I exit a vehicle, my character is completely uncontrollable. Press one direction and he goes another. Press another and he will spin in circles. What gives? [..] View

Online Hacking close spawn..

11:01 pm, August 22, 2014 And I mean really close.. Since yesterday's update, Four times I was put in for a tailing, three of which spawned me about 50m from the target, of which they u-turned and either profiled me or just s [..] View

Fair and fun Online Hacking/Invading? Reply here!

11:01 pm, August 22, 2014 Hi Everyone, If you are sick of all the campers, exploiters, disconnectors, etc and now are sick of the latest patch that penalizes us who play fair when someone disconnects, then since we are able t [..] View

[PS4] connection error when two PS4 connected to the same wifi spot

11:01 pm, August 22, 2014 I have no problem connecting to the Ubisoft server when I play my self. But when one of my friends come and brings his PS4 with him, none of us can play online games. the first PS4 to login can searc [..] View

How do you want WATCH_DOGS 2.0 to be?

11:01 pm, August 19, 2014 We all know that W_D is a franchise and that a sequel is coming sooner or later. Whether it’s gonna pick up where W_D left off or start with another protagonist who somehow relates to Aiden [..] View

I've been patient, now I just want my money back

11:01 pm, August 19, 2014 Dear Ubisoft CEO, I've been patient and I waited for nearly a month for a patch to fix a fairly simple issue: stuttering. I know, I know, you're going to point me to the system requirements. My sy [..] View

Help with making macros for a Razor Nostromo keypad

11:01 pm, August 17, 2014 I just stared playing the game that came "free" with my Asus VII Formula that I had to pay 50 bucks extra for.......that is another matter. Anyway, My Nostromo does not have enough keys to [..] View

Things I Think Can Improve For Watch Dogs 2

11:01 pm, August 15, 2014 I love watch dogs on xbox one and will be getting it on pc soon. With that in mind after playing through the game i have noticed several annoyances that i hope will be fixed for watch dogs 2. For exam [..] View

Ubi has my money, now doesn't care; this is my last Ubisoft game, feels like lionhead

3:01 am, August 15, 2014 I am done with the bullcrap. All I wanted from this game when I bought it, was what I saw in the trailers and what was promised in prelaunch interviews. I feel like I've been rooked, buying a game I w [..] View

5 things you need to fix in this game

11:01 pm, August 12, 2014 Mainly: 1. The drinking game. I've seen people rage about this for the PS4, but for the PC, it is impossible. You could not have tested this, because I don't believe even the developers could do thi [..] View

disc 1 coruppeted file and ctos towers not connected and all data reseted (xbox 360)

11:01 pm, August 8, 2014 i came back from school to play some watch dogs online i turned my xbox logged in,loaded the game. but it showed ctos not connected only p-9mm and 1 lure and 1 blackout in my weapon wheel.even thou i [..] View

Loading Stutter (Just like all your previous games)

11:01 pm, August 8, 2014 Is there any way to fix this issue, i'm starting to become livid at the entire company, i had this problem with Far Cry 3 and it's put me off playing, and now i feel my friend wasted his money buying [..] View

Watch dogs new vehicles, such as helicopters and tanks, new missions, & other stuff.

11:01 pm, August 6, 2014 Hey everyone. Watch Dogs looks cool and all, but I was wondering if anyone else had any thoughts of making it funner and deeper. wondering if it would be possible to ask for some thing(s) to be crea [..] View

[Problem needs solving] Watch_Dogs without sound.

11:01 pm, August 2, 2014 I've recently lost the ability to hear any sounds in Watch_Dogs, at first I thought it was a problem with my headset or television speakers (HDMI), but then it turned out it was only the game alongsid [..] View

New jersey DLC teased.

11:01 pm, August 1, 2014 So will T-bone be in new jersey or will it be another new DLC? If it's completely new hopefully it's part of the season pass. View

100% game but saying 0%

11:01 pm, August 1, 2014 So yeah completed all of the game 100% even the new season pass missions, got my hacking points upto nearly 8,000 and then today I turn it on and it says on the progression wheel 0% , all I have is th [..] View

Great....a new type of stuttering since last patch.

11:01 pm, July 30, 2014 Now i am getting sound stuttering when driving. Seriously? You guys cant just fix one thing without breaking another. Music now skips and is very staticy. I am done with this game. I guess i just wast [..] View

Malcolm Deodato / Missing audio log

11:01 pm, July 29, 2014 Okay all I need is one more audio log and I cannot find it. I've searched all over the place and can't find the location to this last one. I already checked the hotel, blume, and the ctos building in [..] View

lost weapons just after ive bought them, not sure if its the dreaded glitch? help plz

11:01 pm, July 28, 2014 Ok so I'm really early on in the game I've just done the backdoor driver mission after big brother and that.. I bought a sniper rifle (the most expensive five star one) and I also bought a grenade la [..] View

Cheaters increasing their arsenal

11:01 pm, July 27, 2014 I've checked out some cheaters for the heck of it (invested some 1000points by losing every single game of course). Serafir***whatever held a few things in the arsenal that were at least new to me. - [..] View

Changer l'emplacement de GamerProfile

11:01 pm, July 26, 2014 Hello, I just moved the folder "my games" where is located the GamerProfile.xml file to another hard drive. Uplay doesn't recognize where the file is located. Where can I change the destina [..] View

Ubisoft v.s a PC developer.

3:01 am, July 25, 2014 Ubisoft vs. an actual PC Developer, a comparison.UbisoftYeah, our game is broken on PC, so we’ll release a patch that won’t address any of the problems, and then maybe another patc [..] View

My thoughts/suggestions for Watch Dogs

11:01 pm, July 24, 2014 Flawed artificial intelligence * First of all—in real life—Chicago uses a sophisticated gun shot detection system (one of the most advanced technologies of its kind) in two South a [..] View

[PS4] Multiple Account (PS4)

11:01 pm, July 23, 2014 I preordered watchdogs dedsec so I got a lot of redeem codes. All of them worked except for the exclusive missions which everybody has. I informed myself and saw that watchdogs was actually banned fro [..] View

Can't you simply use DirectX 11.2 tiling memory to solve every stuttering problem ?

3:01 am, July 21, 2014 It's the question to the developers. DirectX 11.2 would make the architecture similar to consoles. There would be no more valuable reason for Windows 8 users to criticize your game while the rest seem [..] View

[PS3] Bug in "Hope is a Sad Thing"

11:01 pm, July 19, 2014 Country + Format: Region 3 disc on a PS3, updated on PSN on 14 July 2014 Frequency: Problems continue to occur even after restarting mission and/or reloading last save. Since when does it happen [..] View


11:01 pm, July 18, 2014 Any ideas? here are some I'm just thinking about. What about what I suggested where, /IF/ you use a exploit to find someone is in your game, your then limited in how far you can go from where you st [..] View

Burner phones -SPOILER ALERT!-

11:01 pm, July 17, 2014 Spoiler:  I got all the burner phones and I gotta say it was very emotionally moving. Knowing now that Maurice was coerced into his actions really puts him into a grey area at worst or s [..] View

[PS4] Happened after a ***** in hacking

11:01 pm, July 17, 2014 This has happened more than once. I got ****** while hacking another player and when I respawned, Aiden was stuck. The times this has happened I was ****** by the target; that's the one commonality. B [..] View

[PC] [BUG] Low Volume Sound by Default settings

3:01 am, July 16, 2014 Seriously, When is this damn issue ever gonna get fixed? I can't play this game without scaring the **** out of my cat when I switch from Watch-Dogs to a movie or another game. The whole house shakes [..] View

Another Hacking/Invading WTF?

11:01 pm, July 15, 2014 So I'm in the last mission after the cemetery scene phone rings and talking to xxxx the call ends and BANG being invaded and instantly the circle appears.. Really Ubisoft? I'm in a mission and about [..] View

Why do all sandboxes have magnetic cars?

11:01 pm, July 14, 2014 Anyone else notice this, GTA, here, saints row and such, it's like the second you tap a car it instantly stops and weights 3*'s as much, if your driving past a intersection the car infront of you will [..] View

A humble, certainly unrealistic, request for the developers.

11:01 pm, July 12, 2014 This is one of those things I’d never imagine requesting, particularly of a video game company. If Ubisoft Montreal intends to create Watch_Dogs 2 and if they intend to continue having it in [..] View

It isn't too late, take note from a good company. Dug out this email for you.

11:01 pm, July 12, 2014 Elemental war of magic turning into fallen enchantress. I got screwed then by buying war of magic. I've never had another developer ever come close to doing anything like this. You want pc gamers ba [..] View

Petition for the option to replay missions in Watch_Dogs

11:01 pm, July 11, 2014 EDIT: There already is a post regarding this matter: I really was dissappointed when the game was over and there was no way to enjoy most of it's f [..] View

A short feedback on WatchDogs

11:01 pm, July 11, 2014 I will try to get short but constructive. The game went very much below my expectation. This is the first time i started to look for steam return policy (and was disappointed with the results btw, but [..] View

Access granted pack not working properly

3:01 am, July 11, 2014 Bought the game on steam. I have the season pass, the games is 93% completed. All main and side missions done. Now the access granted pack says I own it via steam/uplay, it even shows I own it in the [..] View

[XB360] Game Freezes when I try to Continue

3:01 am, July 11, 2014 This started for me around the end of June, every time I would open watchdogs and try to continue my save it would freeze. It freezes at the main menu screen only if I choose to continue. On the save [..] View

start game error - graphic error - texture error - RESOLVED!!!

1:25 am, July 8, 2014 For those who have problems with the start of the game or this error ...possible solutions: 1- update NVIDIA drivers: 2- install the directx from another [..] View

Another posible stutter fix (en, es)

1:25 am, July 8, 2014 Hey guys, this is another possible stutter (running or driving) fix for the game, at least with this is less notable: Señores, acá otra posible solución al cl&aacu [..] View

[XB360] Game Freezes

1:25 am, July 8, 2014 This started for me around the end of June, every time I would open watchdogs and try to continue my save it would freeze. It freezes at the main menu screen only if I choose to continue. On the save [..] View

Do you lose Hotspot Badge progress if starting a new game?

1:20 am, July 8, 2014 I just beat the game, and was wondering, if I start another playthrough, do I lose all my hotspot badges? I normally would not care, but I was lucky on the third week to have gotten Mayor of City Hal [..] View

Bugs Report Multiplayer

1:20 am, July 8, 2014 Bugs Report Multiplayer. 1. Civilians voice a comment when hiding, like: what are you crazy? No problem if they can see you. But i get this a lot if I am inside a garage, all doors shut or on a roof. [..] View

Some tips for hacking/tailing.

1:20 am, July 8, 2014 Just a few I've picked up. Since no penalty for not finding the other player now might as well give a few away. First off, distractions can be fun :> If your in a well lit area, but there is [..] View

Is the profiler too strong?

1:20 am, July 8, 2014 Maybe it's just me but it seems too often that it can pick you out even if there is no way your spotted by the player? Like many hiding areas, the player just has to walk past you and you can be tagg [..] View


Another Hacking/Invading WTF?

Jan 14, 2015, 12:00 am So I'm in the last mission after the cemetery scene phone rings and talking to xxxx the call ends and BANG being invaded and instantly the circle appears.. Really Ubisoft? I'm in a mission and about [..] View

Playing on another computer -> Stats messed up

Dec 3, 2014, 3:57 pm Hello, I'm playing Watch Dogs on another computer at the moment and of course my save game and success were imported from uPlay Cloud. What I noticed is: - Yesterday I did a couple of online hacks, we[..] View

Another posible stutter fix (en, es)

Dec 3, 2014, 12:58 pm Hey guys, this is another possible stutter (running or driving) fix for the game, at least with this is less notable: Señores, acá otra posible solución al clásico problema[..] View

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