Un-Official Watch_Dogs Fan Site




Watch Dogs Gameplay Feedback & Suggestions

11:01 pm, September 24, 2014 I'm making this thread to share my feedback on the OFFLINE GAMEPLAY. I won't - and don't want to - discuss graphical issues, driving physics, online problems or the myriad of other things that have be [..] View

Could Online Scoring Be Tweaked A Little Still?

11:01 pm, September 8, 2014 As a whole, I'm still really enjoying the game. With the latest scoring fixes it is good to see that quitters get nothing and that as the invader you at least get some points. This has really added to [..] View

Delayed the game to give us a memorable experience. OH don't worry. It was!

11:01 pm, August 30, 2014 This is for people that never saw this message. I think it is very funny to hear it now after all the **** has surfaced. So they delay the game to polish it and fine tune each detail, what they are mi [..] View

Fair and fun Online Hacking/Invading? Reply here!

11:01 pm, August 22, 2014 Hi Everyone, If you are sick of all the campers, exploiters, disconnectors, etc and now are sick of the latest patch that penalizes us who play fair when someone disconnects, then since we are able t [..] View

Wow, the new patch 8/21, I can't believe you guys did that

11:01 pm, August 22, 2014 I installed the new AMD beta driver a few days ago for my r9 290x and my watch dogs frame rate went from 30~45 to 45~60 under ultra texture 1080p. It was great, because I was finally running the game [..] View

Hacking Like Deus Ex Human Revolution… What if it was?

3:01 am, August 17, 2014 Now Watch Dogs is by no means a bad game. It does a lot right. I like Aiden, he's a simple protagonist that i can project myself into and onto. It's not done enough, protagonists that are just conduit [..] View

5 things you need to fix in this game

11:01 pm, August 12, 2014 Mainly: 1. The drinking game. I've seen people rage about this for the PS4, but for the PC, it is impossible. You could not have tested this, because I don't believe even the developers could do thi [..] View

Patch 1.03.483 - Experience.

11:01 pm, July 30, 2014 Greetings all, I have acquired both the new patch and the new 340.52 device drivers with the updated GeForce Experience utility. This patch has introduced a minor performance improvement. Driving stil [..] View

Watch Dogs abandoned by Ubisoft? ¿What happen?

11:01 pm, July 29, 2014 I'm still waiting for news about this game. I'm telling you this people. You can purchase this game for PS4 or XBOXONE, but you can't replay missions, the campaing story can be done in 1-2 days. I d [..] View

*HELP* Watch dog freezes

3:01 am, July 16, 2014 So I got watch dogs approximately a week ago. Not knowing it needed lots of ram, a good video card and lots of other stuff, i had to upgrade a bunch of stuff. At this point the game works great. I can [..] View

Mini games

3:01 am, July 11, 2014 I'm not the first one and I'll certainly not be the last one to bring this up, but... This game is fun. It's good, it really is. It has it's problems here and there, but it doesn't take away from the [..] View


Delayed the game to give us a memorable experience. OH don't worry. It was!

Dec 30, 2014, 6:10 am This is for people that never saw this message. I think it is very funny to hear it now after all the crap has surfaced. So they delay the game to polish it and fine tune each detail, what they are mi[..] View

Patch 1.03.483 - Experience.

Nov 28, 2014, 6:03 pm Greetings all, I have acquired both the new patch and the new 340.52 device drivers with the updated GeForce Experience utility. This patch has introduced a minor performance improvement. Driving stil[..] View

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