Un-Official Watch_Dogs Fan Site




Watch_Dogs 2: details (OFFICIAL STATMENT NEEDED)

3:01 am, October 17, 2014 I recently heard that there will be a watch dogs 2- I heard that it will realese in the summer of 2016. is this true? also... 1) can you fly aircraft in WD2? 2) where will it take place? 3) will t [..] View

Watch dogs 2: details (OFFICIAL STATMENT NEEDED)

11:01 pm, October 16, 2014 I recently heard that there will be a watch dogs 2- I heard that it will realese in the summer of 2016. is this true? also... 1) can you fly aircraft in WD2? 2) where will it take place? 3) will t [..] View

My experience so far with DLC Bad Blood on PC

3:01 am, October 16, 2014 I have played between 5 and 6h. (Might be more) Have done some missions, militia, escorte, racing, protecting the VIP, etc... Am at around 20 ~ 30% I found the VIP mission kinda annoying as you can on [..] View

[PS3] Gameplay

11:01 pm, October 13, 2014 I am playing on the easiest setting and I cannot complete the missions, what is the point of having different settings, easy means easy I gave up playing Assassins Creed because the later games had ru [..] View

Watch Dogs has Stopped Working - Please Help.

11:01 pm, October 5, 2014 Hi, i recently bought watchdogs and played it fine for the first few missions, then i was free roaming and it froze, a few seconds later it said, "watchdogs has stopped working" Can anyone [..] View

BAD BLOOD - Are some vehicles meant to be unavailable to unlock? Missing 8

11:01 pm, September 29, 2014 I have tried everything I know. Pedestrians no longer give out any vehicles or music (bug?) when hacked. My DLC content is completed. At 100% game completion. The driving missions, where you get in [..] View

Ubisoft lied about COOP in Bad Blood

11:01 pm, September 25, 2014 In recent Twich preview of the upcoming DLC - Bad Blood, one of the developers talked about the new COOP multiplayer game mode. He described the amazing random generated ENDLESS missions, that will gi [..] View

Can anyone help? Season Pass problems, Support is no help at all.

11:01 pm, September 23, 2014 I have the Season Pass on PS4. Before the last big patch I definitely had all the content and could use it (outfits, perks, missions like Palace) but at some point AFTER that patch everything except C [..] View

PS4 players, please read: anyone notice DLC go missing?

11:01 pm, September 18, 2014 I recently noticed that Conspiracy, the Mission and Outfits from Access Granted, and basically EVERYTHING except the PS4 Exclusive Missions, Chicago South Club Outfit and Master Driving Perk are gone [..] View

Expanding Watch Dogs map? take notice ubi!

3:01 am, September 14, 2014 The title should be pretty self-explanatory, but does anyone feel that watch dogs's map is a bit small (especially compared to GTA 5's map)? I thought that maybe doubling the size of the map would be [..] View

TRACED Trophy cannot be earned!

11:01 pm, September 5, 2014 Hello Ubisoft, I am so angry at whoever decided to put the Traced trophy into the game which requires you to be tailed 5 times by other players in order to receive it. How could you decide to put a [..] View

[XB360] game breaking bug 2.0

11:01 pm, August 29, 2014 I played the game with no problems earlier today, no problem, all was well. I completed all CTOS, all human trafficking missions, and all missing persons. Went to get back on to complete drinking game [..] View

Anyone else feel like 90% of the weapons aren't needed?

11:01 pm, August 18, 2014 Played through the entire game using only my silenced pistol, occasionally using grenades and ied's when absolutely necessary. For me, even in the convoy missions, you don't need anything other than [..] View

Watch dogs new vehicles, such as helicopters and tanks, new missions, & other stuff.

11:01 pm, August 6, 2014 Hey everyone. Watch Dogs looks cool and all, but I was wondering if anyone else had any thoughts of making it funner and deeper. wondering if it would be possible to ask for some thing(s) to be crea [..] View

Watch Dogs worth buying, even now, and even more later !

11:01 pm, August 4, 2014 Hello ! It's just to show that Watch Dogs, despite its flaws, worth buying. 1) It's a really complete game, fun, with interesting characters and lots of possibilities/missions, lots of items,... 2) Th [..] View

100% game but saying 0%

11:01 pm, August 1, 2014 So yeah completed all of the game 100% even the new season pass missions, got my hacking points upto nearly 8,000 and then today I turn it on and it says on the progression wheel 0% , all I have is th [..] View

Watch Dogs abandoned by Ubisoft? ¿What happen?

11:01 pm, July 29, 2014 I'm still waiting for news about this game. I'm telling you this people. You can purchase this game for PS4 or XBOXONE, but you can't replay missions, the campaing story can be done in 1-2 days. I d [..] View

Stuttering at mission completion & disrupting calls! report frame-rate drops!

11:01 pm, July 15, 2014 I know there are many people that experience this problem on the PS4 and I'm frustrated about it not being addressed properly. This is a very annoying next gen fail and I hope that Ubisoft will patch [..] View

Most things reset

11:01 pm, July 11, 2014 Okay I'm sure everyone is aware of the skills and **** resetting sometimes due to ***** or some BS while doing some MP thing. I think it was suppose to be patched by now, but idk. I had it happen to [..] View

help with driving!

3:01 am, July 11, 2014 Any tips for better driving using the keyboard? I don't hold the W key and I don't use the mouse at all and it's OK for the most part. But during driving missions, it doesn't go very well. Any help? : [..] View

Error - file damaged or missing, help?

11:01 pm, July 8, 2014 so just turned my xbox 360 back on and getting error, save file damaged or missing, no option but to start a new game, really don't want to do that as completed over 60% of missions and side missions, [..] View

All stats lost?

1:25 am, July 8, 2014 Great, some ******ed kid was at my house recently and thought it would be a good idea to play Watch Dogs and restart from the beginning. As much as I wouldn't mind redoing the campaign, I am frickin' [..] View

Bugs Report Multiplayer

1:20 am, July 8, 2014 Bugs Report Multiplayer. 1. Civilians voice a comment when hiding, like: what are you crazy? No problem if they can see you. But i get this a lot if I am inside a garage, all doors shut or on a roof. [..] View


Watch dogs new vehicles, such as helicopters and tanks, new missions, & other stuff.

Nov 29, 2014, 12:19 am Hey everyone. Watch Dogs looks cool and all, but I was wondering if anyone else had any thoughts of making it funner and deeper. wondering if it would be possible to ask for some thing(s) to be crea[..] View

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