11:01 pm, October 21, 2014
Will Ubisoift probably do something against Trainer usage in online matches? I seriously can´t understand why someone uses cheats. This more then ridicilous. Some guys teleporting around the [..]
11:01 pm, October 14, 2014
It seems after an hour and sometimes less there will be graphical glitches. The graphics card i am using is crossfire r9 290x with 14.9 drivers. This picture shows the glitches the best since it is ha [..]
3:01 am, October 11, 2014
After the update when I click play game it syncs the save data and achievements and tne try to launch the game but, then comes back thank you for playing watch dogs. I have already uninstalled and re [..]
11:01 pm, October 10, 2014
I downloaded a new update for the game Watch_Dogs, but it doesnt work. It says: Unable to start the game. Please check that your game has been installed correctly. If the problem persists, please cont [..]
11:01 pm, October 10, 2014
After months and months since launch, the game is still horribly optimized with a lot of stuttering every 2 seconds, even at low settings. The latest patches only *slightly* reduced the stuttering, bu [..]
11:01 pm, October 6, 2014
Apparently, playing Watch_Dogs and then trying to play any Bethesda game will result in a mouse that won't move. As per this thread:http://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/...9358584313056/
I guess Watch [..]
11:01 pm, October 4, 2014
Just bought the game, inserted the disc into my perfectly working PS3 with latest firmware.
1) Followed prompt to download 1.04 in order to play
2) Patch and game download / install to 100%
3) The loa [..]
11:01 pm, October 4, 2014
OK, I've tried a few hits on Google, and the first pages that pop up are "cheats".. So I pretty much gave up. Is there ANY way to stop the game from repositioning the camera after you set it [..]
11:01 pm, October 3, 2014
I tried every "solution" related at this thread:http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php...0s-mega-thread
I got the latest amd drivers and game patches.
I tried the support for more than thre [..]
3:01 am, October 3, 2014
After downloading the latest patch and Bad Blood dlc, the Watch Dogs main menu has refused to display the "Continue Game" "New Game" and the "Bad Blood" start options. Th [..]
3:01 am, October 1, 2014
I just downloaded the Bad Blood DLC today. I can get through the first part, where you must escape the Blume building. However, I tried to escape on the elevated train, and as it headed toward the h [..]
11:01 pm, September 28, 2014
I've been able to play Watch Dogs in an ultra texture setting while the others are high ever since.
However, since the latest patch this 9/27, the game stutter so much to the point that it's not even [..]
11:01 pm, September 27, 2014
Gtx 680 (with newest drivers)
i5 4670k
16GB ram
When i first got the game (the day it was released) I play on the recommended settings and lowest settings. The game kept freezing and stutterin [..]
11:01 pm, September 27, 2014
i cant figure out why i cant. i believe that i somehow didn't download the most recent patch and cant find find any way to get it. i haven't played it in a long time so that's why i believe that the [..]
11:01 pm, September 26, 2014
I purchased the season pass a while now and was hoping to play Bad Blood this week but it appears that my game is still not patched while many others seem to be able to play the game just fine. whats [..]
11:01 pm, September 26, 2014
This is my error report :
Country + Format:
Denmark Nordic Counties release – PS3 BlueRayDisc Exclusive Edition of Watch Dogs with latest version installed
Usernames & Gamertags: [..]
11:01 pm, September 24, 2014
Now I just noticed this, because I've taken a break from the game and recently gotten back to it with the Bad Blood DLC release, but this game has a crippling aggravating issue with negative mouse acc [..]
11:01 pm, September 24, 2014
After the patch which steam downloaded automatically yesterday, I can no longer launch the game without it crashing on startup and then making my PC come to a halt (then I have to do a hard re [..]
3:01 am, September 24, 2014
It took almost 4 months from the day the game was released but the new patch that was released today has *finally* made the game playable for me using ultra textures and maxed out settings. I have an [..]
11:01 pm, September 23, 2014
Hi, I've been playing watch dogs offline for a while now and decided to go online and update it today, but when I tried uplay was downloading the whole goddam game over again (14 gigs). Is there any w [..]
11:01 pm, September 23, 2014
I have the Season Pass on PS4. Before the last big patch I definitely had all the content and could use it (outfits, perks, missions like Palace) but at some point AFTER that patch everything except C [..]
11:01 pm, September 23, 2014
Look at those graphics in the distance? The patch seems to have messed them up and let the whole city of Chicago turn into a ghetto like in the Wards.
This really needs to be fixed ASAP! When appro [..]
11:01 pm, September 22, 2014
I really really love this game, and besides from people giving bad feed back, I'm gonna give my excellent feed back. I am really glad I bought this game, I don't really care much for errors and I don' [..]
3:01 am, September 20, 2014
I'm honestly wondering what the future of Watch Dogs will be within 5 years.
Will there be an offline patch after let us say 5 years for if we want to replay Watch Dogs? I'm not sure if the mutiplaye [..]
3:01 am, September 19, 2014
The last time Ubisoft posted a performance patch (7/29) to help with the stuttering for those using high level textures, they said they were working on another to help address the issues with ultra te [..]
11:01 pm, September 18, 2014
I know there has been TONS of controversy over this, but the GRAPHICS for watch dogs **** compared to the E3 2012 demo. also, 3 weapons, the H&K468 assault rifle (i think thats what its called [..]
11:01 pm, September 18, 2014
I recently noticed that Conspiracy, the Mission and Outfits from Access Granted, and basically EVERYTHING except the PS4 Exclusive Missions, Chicago South Club Outfit and Master Driving Perk are gone [..]
11:01 pm, September 17, 2014
With all the cheaters and such and just problems with the last patch is it worth it? I played multiplayer to ***** and then the patch broke alot, has it been fixed? Or at all worth playing?
11:01 pm, September 16, 2014
I have the Season Pass and previously had everything released so far in the game. I'd had a look at the Palace mission, but hadn't completed it, and I could see the three missions (Signature Shot/Brea [..]
11:01 pm, September 8, 2014
I hate to moan because Ubi has greatly improved online after ironing out the patch's bugs, buttttttt... Weren't we promised default wins against quitters? I keep getting 10 points when it should have [..]
11:01 pm, September 7, 2014
...confirm one way or the other if there will be another patch specifically designed to address the stuttering on high-end systems using ultra textures? With the following system specs...
i7-2600k @ [..]
3:01 am, September 7, 2014
I am just wondering if there are any additional stuttering patch/fixes being worked on to help address this issue? Or has that been addressed as much by Ubisoft as it will get?
Still have had an ope [..]
11:01 pm, September 6, 2014
i purchased the ANZ special edition for the additional DLC i have activated it and i have NO DLC i have put in support tickets and tbh im over it i have NOT recieved any sort of help from your so call [..]
3:01 am, September 5, 2014
Game will crash after 1 or 2 hours of play. Here is my problem report:
Stopped working
‎8/‎30/‎2014 3:46 PM
Report sent
Descriptio [..]
11:01 pm, September 3, 2014
Here's the proof, and patch it please? It sucks that it profiles from long distances and fast driving...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FD-13cf33eQ
11:01 pm, September 1, 2014
Hi. My friends recently told me to download the game again because it seemed that multiplayer is workin again As soon as I finished downloading it said that I should check my nat type. When the game [..]
11:01 pm, September 1, 2014
I have over 6000 notoriety points and just realized that the only weapon I have that has anti vehicle rounds, not counting the grenade launchers, is the "Destroyer". I couldn't figure out ho [..]
11:01 pm, August 30, 2014
Hi all,
Since the last patch Watch Dogs always runs in windowed mode, anyone know how to fix? I've tried altering the GamerProfile.xml file before running (altering "WindowMode"'s setting t [..]
11:01 pm, August 29, 2014
Today I've decided to start playing Watchdogs again as i haven't played in a while (a month or 2?) and my game doesn't start.
It downloaded the patch that was released a while ago and then i atte [..]
11:01 pm, August 29, 2014
Probably the only element of the last patch that was a 100% functional improvement was that if your Mobile challenge partner DC'd, the challenge continued without them, and you could still get points. [..]
3:01 am, August 29, 2014
I don't use this myself because I don't really care about the leaderboards. But some obviously do.
First, let's take a look at the current PC leaderboard for Race mode:
Now look at the points the play [..]
11:01 pm, August 28, 2014
I just got in WD to play some online, till I noticed that my N points is at 0, and my skills tree is empty, My money and my gameplay didn't reset tho, so it's now impossible to get skills back, I'm n [..]
11:01 pm, August 28, 2014
For the past three days I have been trying to play watch_dogs without much joy. Each time I try to load the game I am told that there needs to be an update downloaded yet every time I try to download [..]
11:01 pm, August 27, 2014
Since the patch it now seems I have about a 65% chance of getting stuck in a game with someone who is sitting and waiting to pick me off. While previously it was a scam to have someone quit out if yo [..]
11:01 pm, August 27, 2014
So I have been wandering through Chicago for about 8 hours looking for one song: Blvck and White. It is the only trophy I still need and it is driving me crazy. I have probably spent more time on this [..]
11:01 pm, August 26, 2014
Hello, could someone help me with finishing "Traced" achievement (being tailed 5 times)?
Few days ago Ubi released new patch which allows to tailing and hacking friends. It will be easy to g [..]
3:01 am, August 26, 2014
I have Online Invasions off and Friend Invasions on. I hacked some random ped who ended up being a Blume Affiliate. A little after I got the bounty, my phone went away, so I checked my focus and it [..]
11:01 pm, August 25, 2014
first i would like to draw the attention of no hud modders"gamers"like myself.i have a way that i edit things in games and it is simply to erase or minimize transperency of layer "textu [..]
11:01 pm, August 25, 2014
I swear these are all post 1.04. All I did is adding a tiny 1.3G mod ;)
Jokes aside, I can just see how amazing Watch Dogs used to be before the nerfhammer... I mean this is just a mod that is only [..]
11:01 pm, August 25, 2014
This is ridicules, after new patch I lost more than 3000+ notoriety points. I was hacking and invader disconnected from online, each time I lost 180+ notoriety.
This must be change, otherwise more ga [..]
3:01 am, August 25, 2014
Every time I start the hacking mini game to access Bed Bugs house and tap his phone I keep getting a message that Bed Bug was ****** within a few seconds after starting the hack. I didn't have this p [..]
11:01 pm, August 24, 2014
I'm playing Watch Dogs after a few months of waiting for Ubisoft to patch this broken game.
Thank you for fixing Social Lubricant, made my day!
But the game is now completely unplayable, here [..]
11:01 pm, August 24, 2014
Update for developers ************************************************** ********
The points loss from a partial hack seems to come from a person who has a bounty. Point loss also occurs when the o [..]
11:01 pm, August 23, 2014
Hi there.
I have to say i am really pissed off. Excuse me, if i am somewhat mad, but the new patch is ridiculous in my opinion.
For the multiplayer hacking mode the new patch brought us this:
Quot [..]
11:01 pm, August 23, 2014
So, I had a lovely time reading through the patch notes and seeing that I can now hack people on my friends list, so I decided to jump on watch dogs and have some fun hacking my friends, however, I ra [..]
11:01 pm, August 23, 2014
I found a bug with the new patch which lets us restart all gang hideouts. I restarted the side missions and everything is normal. Then i get hacked without knowing and I go to my side mission. Then it [..]
11:01 pm, August 23, 2014
After completing a hack or tail on a friend since the new patch, whether winning or losing, the game gets stuck saying press B or Esc to close, but there's nothing to close and pressing either button [..]
11:01 pm, August 23, 2014
It was working fine before the 22 august patch, now it says "Avg. Wait Time: Unknown" and after a long search, "try later". I can play other game modes though, it looks like ctos c [..]
11:01 pm, August 22, 2014
Hi Everyone,
If you are sick of all the campers, exploiters, disconnectors, etc and now are sick of the latest patch that penalizes us who play fair when someone disconnects, then since we are able t [..]
11:01 pm, August 22, 2014
First time going back to the game in a few weeks since the patch is out. Got in a little trouble with police and during the heat of battle some player initiated the hack on me. Obviously I can't fight [..]
11:01 pm, August 22, 2014
I installed the new AMD beta driver a few days ago for my r9 290x and my watch dogs frame rate went from 30~45 to 45~60 under ultra texture 1080p.
It was great, because I was finally running the game [..]
11:01 pm, August 22, 2014
Hi All,
I completed the main storyline a good while back and would love to reset the gang hideouts (mentioned in yesterday's patch), but I'm at a loss for how to do so. Their icons did not autom [..]
11:01 pm, August 22, 2014
I've submitted a ticket to formally request a refund. I'll post the contents of said ticket here for everyone to see.
JJistheDarkOne8/22/2014 9:42:39 AM
I hereby request a refund on [..]
11:01 pm, August 22, 2014
So after waiting patiently since launch we've had our second (?) patch. Thanks for fixing some things.
Also, thanks for fixing the *wrong* things first.
* STILL NO 5.1 SOUND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* Game s [..]
11:01 pm, August 22, 2014
Title says it all. I downloaded the patch today, and now I cannot launch the game at all. I click play, about 20 seconds and then the Uplay 'Thank You For Playing!' screen comes up. Any help?
EDIT: I [..]
11:01 pm, August 22, 2014
I tried to install the new patch, but it shows an error called "Uplay can't start the download" which is kinda strange. It says to check if I have a good internet connection (I am like 1feet [..]
3:01 am, August 22, 2014
Installed the new patch today, and TWICE in the last thirty minutes,the person I was hacking has disconnected during the hack resulting in a loss of 180 points FOR ME!!!! Has this happened to anyone e [..]
3:01 am, August 22, 2014
I'm seeing serious scoring issues.
I just hacked someone.. initiated... he quit at 10%... I LOST 191 points! HE quit.. *I* lost points!! Mind blown.
Also noticed when I got profiled pre-hack... bu [..]
11:01 pm, August 21, 2014
Ubisoft, I just went in to download the latest patch, and after download the uplay damage windy_city.dat file that is needed to run the game without crashes because it contain the games MAP(City,Chica [..]
11:01 pm, August 21, 2014
Dear Support Team!
I have a major problem with the Watchdogs offline/online section for a while.
When I have been got the game I played the single player mode and then I go to the online mode there wa [..]
11:01 pm, August 19, 2014
Dear Ubisoft CEO,
I've been patient and I waited for nearly a month for a patch to fix a fairly simple issue: stuttering. I know, I know, you're going to point me to the system requirements. My sy [..]
11:01 pm, August 19, 2014
I run a custom Platinum i7 Haswell GTX 780 rig (SSD, 16Gb RAM etc etc etc), and yes the game is on Ultra settings (1080p), but its like.... I am running an old GTX 660 or something? Was it o [..]
11:01 pm, August 18, 2014
I know Ubisoft is trying to be creative, and keep the story fresh. But there's some just plain ******ED ******** in the game that needs to be patched out. IE: The users screen being screwed up when th [..]
11:01 pm, August 16, 2014
Ran fine before, but now it's laggy. Don't know how to revert it back and get rid of the lag. Was trying to find the ubisoft patch they recently released so i could replace the worse patch files but [..]
11:01 pm, August 15, 2014
NVidia recently released these beta drivers for OpenGL 4.5 compatibility, but after trying them, they also noticeably improve Watch Dogs performance over the recently released 340.52 WHQL..
With the [..]
11:01 pm, August 14, 2014
Dear Support Ubi Support ,
I hope you are fine <?
I am so sad for that , the game more than lag on my pc and i got shuttring i still put this game on * setting same lag
My Pc :
Devils Cay [..]
11:01 pm, August 11, 2014
So i have been playing for a week or so and have made alot of progress at this point in the game so when i opened my skill tree to see that all my skills had disappeared and i can't use any of them an [..]
11:01 pm, August 8, 2014
Is there any way to fix this issue, i'm starting to become livid at the entire company, i had this problem with Far Cry 3 and it's put me off playing, and now i feel my friend wasted his money buying [..]
11:01 pm, August 8, 2014
I really would like to be able to play Watch Dogs. I paid money for it, after all.
TWO MONTHS. Two months and the game is unplayable still. I've been pretty damn patient. I haven't sooked. I'd like [..]
11:01 pm, August 6, 2014
While playing last night all the cars turned into the same thing then they all disappeared
yet in the distance as i drove around i could see car lights yet when i got closer they vanished.
they i ra [..]
11:01 pm, August 5, 2014
As i posted in the thread asking if a patch will be coming soon i am wondering will they be adding a way of managing your inventory. For example the only way i know of just now is by crafting items so [..]
11:01 pm, August 4, 2014
Hello !
It's just to show that Watch Dogs, despite its flaws, worth buying.
1) It's a really complete game, fun, with interesting characters and lots of possibilities/missions, lots of items,...
2) Th [..]
11:01 pm, August 4, 2014
Hello !
Just to say that, despite being an excellent game, Watch Dogs has too much critical issues that disgust playing with it and provoke a lot of hate toward Ubisoft !
So we are still wating for [..]
11:01 pm, August 3, 2014
For those of you who still experience stuttering whilst driving after the July 30th Patch, watch my Stutter Fix video and see if it helps you as well.
This isn't the perfect solution but it does mak [..]
11:01 pm, August 3, 2014
This must be a bug. You can reset outposts in FC3. Why hasn't there been a patch to reset gang hideouts for watch_dogs yet? Come on now! It only adds to the replay-ability of the game. Being able [..]
3:01 am, August 3, 2014
Am Im the only one that lost about 10-20FPS after the last patch/drivers from Nvidia?
Just want to know
To clarify,
Have anyone else had the drop with 10-20 FPS on MEDIUM textures?
Before I could play [..]
11:01 pm, August 1, 2014
==Please forgive my broken English==
Since the latest patch, my watch_dogs cannot be started.
When status bar in loading screen become about 90%, Windows says "Watch_dogs has stopped working.&q [..]
11:01 pm, August 1, 2014
How come whenever I start up watch dogs I get to the loading screen and the loading bar stops about 60% of the way through. I saw other things about this posted a month ago and I'm new to this game an [..]
11:01 pm, August 1, 2014
This option in the update download window have a poor choice of word, I'm waiting for more than 2 month for that now :P
Jokes apart... a patch is arrived but I did not see fix for savegame recovery.. [..]
3:01 am, August 1, 2014
So when I start UPlay it says there is a conflict between saves. Both are the same anyways so I pick one just to find out there is no game saved and I have to start from new. That I ould be fine with [..]
3:01 am, August 1, 2014
Hi, so just after the new Patch i wanted to try out the game and see if the sutter actually was fixed but the game simply does not start anymore. I press "Play" then the loading icon appears [..]
11:01 pm, July 31, 2014
Since the patch and nvidia driver made miracles for me and I can run game perfectly fine with high textures on gtx 680 2gb version, I decided to check the performance of the game while running it with [..]
11:01 pm, July 30, 2014
I reinstalled a fresh copy of watchdogs and let it update with new patch installed worse mod 1.0 with maldo textures and now the game wont launch and i constantly get this message(Hopefully i dont ha [..]
11:01 pm, July 30, 2014
Greetings all,
I have acquired both the new patch and the new 340.52 device drivers with the updated GeForce Experience utility.
This patch has introduced a minor performance improvement. Driving stil [..]
11:01 pm, July 30, 2014
Now i am getting sound stuttering when driving. Seriously? You guys cant just fix one thing without breaking another. Music now skips and is very staticy. I am done with this game. I guess i just wast [..]
11:01 pm, July 29, 2014
I recently updated Watch Dogs today to notice a couple of things wrong. These may of already been reported but I'm going to go ahead anyway. Since I updated the game I've noticed slower loading t [..]
11:01 pm, July 29, 2014
Well the 2nd patch did the trick. Stutter is gone on high textures but still stutters a tad on ultra on my 770 4gb. Still very playable however.
Now next time PLEASE wait until the game is in a playab [..]
11:01 pm, July 29, 2014
My game runs horrible!!!!
Only a few time it steps over 30 FPS, and before the patch the FPS was around 60, fluctuating like hell, but now? Its just damn horrible!
What have you people done???
How [..]
11:01 pm, July 29, 2014
New Nvidia drivers released today.
Make sure to select "Clean install" if upgrading existing drivers.
Tried with the new patch, and I'm back to no st [..]
11:01 pm, July 29, 2014
They just put out patch #2. Here's the patchnotes.
Seems much more substantial this time around. Hopefully this finally fixes the stuttering. Spoiler: