Un-Official Watch_Dogs Fan Site




Flee the victim by killing her ?

11:01 pm, October 25, 2014 Hello ! Something odd just happened to me. I found a fixer that was on me at 99%. He immediately shot me with the grenade launcher and ****** me. He earned 876 points (didn't think I was so famous) an [..] View

Online hacking melee

11:01 pm, October 24, 2014 Right so on watchdogs twice when I have been hackedi have been close enough to melee them but both of them times I couldn't resulting in me losing nority points (I know that there is a typo) when I co [..] View

i need a fix for this bug i found that has been making it impossible to play

11:01 pm, October 24, 2014 glitch -----> <-----glitch so i have been having this bug/glitch ever since i started playing the game on pc and its happens all the time ive tried chang [..] View

Lol after playing the multiplayer I have some serious complaints.

3:01 am, October 24, 2014 The only playable game mode is 1v1 hacking and racing but racing has its issues with the gpu skydiving when in a car, The only real problem I see with 1v1 hacking is the fact that you can use any type [..] View

My experience so far with DLC Bad Blood on PC

3:01 am, October 16, 2014 I have played between 5 and 6h. (Might be more) Have done some missions, militia, escorte, racing, protecting the VIP, etc... Am at around 20 ~ 30% I found the VIP mission kinda annoying as you can on [..] View

Where To Report an actual game "Hacking/Cheating" account?

3:01 am, October 16, 2014 I have bumped into a specific account today that appears to be actually "Hacking" the game, or better said is using game hacks to CHEAT the notoriety system. Keep in mind both instances I ca [..] View

[PS3] Gameplay

11:01 pm, October 13, 2014 I am playing on the easiest setting and I cannot complete the missions, what is the point of having different settings, easy means easy I gave up playing Assassins Creed because the later games had ru [..] View

[XB360] Why is Ubi Support answering something that has nothing to do with the topic?!

11:01 pm, October 7, 2014 Hey, is there someone from Ubisoft reading this forum here? About the stuff I wrote filled with rage in the 29 site long thread about the "Game Breaking Bug" I opened a ticket at Ubi Suppor [..] View

Bad Blood freezing on Act 1, Mission 3.

3:01 am, October 5, 2014 So I'm in BlumeForge and right when I get to the part where you have to use the toy car it says hold your caps lock to open the weapon wheel. the issue is that I can't do that, I can't do anything, th [..] View

Police say a handgun was detected

11:01 pm, October 4, 2014 Police say a handgun was detected in the rapper's luggage as he went through the security screening checkpoint at Burbank Airport on Wednesday. Shaw then left the airport before police could detain hi [..] View

Default Camera Repositioning

11:01 pm, October 4, 2014 OK, I've tried a few hits on Google, and the first pages that pop up are "cheats".. So I pretty much gave up. Is there ANY way to stop the game from repositioning the camera after you set it [..] View

[PC] Game is crashing after around an hour of playtime consistently.

3:01 am, October 3, 2014 The basic watchdogs has stopped responding and needs to close crash. It's been consistent with playtime sessions between 50m and 1 hour 30m. I'm a system builder so I can tell you that temps, clocks, [..] View

[PS3] Bad Blood DLC fox hunt investigation bug?

11:01 pm, October 2, 2014 I am unable to scan the final QR CODE in the FOX HUNT investigation. This is 5 of 5 and I can't proceed past this point. Am I doing something wrong? Excuse the first video, it's mine. WATCH DOGS BA [..] View

Double Notoriety weekend?

11:01 pm, September 30, 2014 Hi, I don't know is this a right section but I want to ask about Double Notoriety weekend. I saw it on twitter and it was posted on 26th September [..] View

Online Hacking - camping v. Hiding?

11:01 pm, September 29, 2014 I've heard a lot of back and forth on this, but am curious on this point. Isn't the goal of online hacking to not get caught by any means necessary? If you find a good hiding space to wait out the h [..] View

wow this is bad

11:01 pm, September 29, 2014 Bought this game yesterday and its horrible tbh... first of all i HAD to download UPLAY to play this game (why the **** would i want UPLAY) if had steam. If i knew this beforehand i wouldnt have bough [..] View

Need Help!!

11:01 pm, September 29, 2014 Hey, I'm on Act 2, Mission 9. 'Uninvited' when you go to the brick factory to make a trap. Whenever I reach the computer to see the security footage, I press TRIANGLE it loads half way through but n [..] View

[PS4] Notoriety points reset

3:01 am, September 29, 2014 downloaded the bad blood dlc played as t bone and went back to aiden pierce online all my points ate reset to the same as t bone iam still on the leader boareds 34839 points rank 482 is it posible to [..] View

Can T-Bone get invaded? Also: where's Dark Steering?

11:01 pm, September 28, 2014 No-one has invaded me yet while playing Bad Blood. I'm pretty glad about this, since you start off poorly equipped compared to the state my Aiden is in. But I wondered, is there a watershed point in t [..] View

Stutter since 9/27/2014 patch

11:01 pm, September 28, 2014 I've been able to play Watch Dogs in an ultra texture setting while the others are high ever since. However, since the latest patch this 9/27, the game stutter so much to the point that it's not even [..] View

[PC] Screen problem

11:01 pm, September 26, 2014 Hello i have this bug or error in the screen, it appears in certain parts of the scenario, not all, but it is really anoying, suddenly this "points" appears on screen. I tried max and lowest [..] View

[PC] Possible issue with reflections settings in the game, and solution?

3:01 am, September 26, 2014 I got to try the new Bad Blood download content that was released to season pass holders this week, and I'm really enjoying it so far. There are many new types of missions to complete, and the new onl [..] View

Ubisoft lied about COOP in Bad Blood

11:01 pm, September 25, 2014 In recent Twich preview of the upcoming DLC - Bad Blood, one of the developers talked about the new COOP multiplayer game mode. He described the amazing random generated ENDLESS missions, that will gi [..] View

Watch Dogs Gameplay Feedback & Suggestions

11:01 pm, September 24, 2014 I'm making this thread to share my feedback on the OFFLINE GAMEPLAY. I won't - and don't want to - discuss graphical issues, driving physics, online problems or the myriad of other things that have be [..] View

Bad Blood DLC Glitch PC

11:01 pm, September 24, 2014 I have the season pass and when it came out i downloaded bad blood and started playing i got to the mission "Need of the few" and i couldnt get past it because of a glitch when you breach t [..] View

Notoriety and disconnection

11:01 pm, September 23, 2014 Got this guy to 33%, then he disconnected on me - no points. How is this possible? Usually when I hack into someone's game, and they disconnect I get 1/5th of the hacking reward straightaway. Further [..] View

again no dlc

11:01 pm, September 23, 2014 Again, got no dlc added to my game. I paid 20 euro's for the season pass, 10 euro's extra for the deluxe edition. So far I have no early acces to the dlc (seasonpass featyre I did pay for), the same m [..] View

Can anyone help? Season Pass problems, Support is no help at all.

11:01 pm, September 23, 2014 I have the Season Pass on PS4. Before the last big patch I definitely had all the content and could use it (outfits, perks, missions like Palace) but at some point AFTER that patch everything except C [..] View

[PC] Only headshots ?

11:01 pm, September 23, 2014 Hey , I'Ve been playing Online Decryption and I saw some guy (or a girl maybe) doing just and only headshots with the same gun. He had more than 50 000 Notoriety points. i think it'S a hack or a glit [..] View

[PC] Objective Glitch

11:01 pm, September 23, 2014 Hey guys, Seem to be having an issue with my objectives on the game, here's what happens: First issue I had was in the mission where you had to **** Angelo Tucci, I would destroy his car but it woul [..] View

[PC] All skills and 7500 notoriety wiped away wrongfully!!

11:01 pm, September 22, 2014 I've just started playing Watch_Dogs again after a 3 months break. I've really enjoyed playing the game and really enjoyed infiltrating other players or even being infiltrated. So naturally when i be [..] View

Fed-up of As##oles that use a bug to prevent hack !!!

11:01 pm, September 21, 2014 Hello ! Please correct this annoying bug !!! Pleaaaaaaase !!!! You can't merge with people or hide in a car ! Victims simply shoot everywhere with the grenade launcher after the 75% !!! Once hit, [..] View

Missions seemed unnaturally separated (Contains some spoilers)

11:01 pm, September 20, 2014 Hello, While playing WD I found the missions to be too forcefully separated. For example when Aiden had to race to save specific characters in the game instead of ending the mission he was and autom [..] View

Dowgraded graphics, missing content. yuck.

11:01 pm, September 18, 2014 I know there has been TONS of controversy over this, but the GRAPHICS for watch dogs **** compared to the E3 2012 demo. also, 3 weapons, the H&K468 assault rifle (i think thats what its called [..] View

How to hack 23,000 Notoriety players camping on rooftops

11:01 pm, September 17, 2014 Waddup guys, I thought I'd share another video related to camping. But this one provides a solution to hacking advanced players who know that they are being invaded and camp on top of a rooftop. The [..] View

How to hack 23,000+ Notoriety players camping on rooftops

11:01 pm, September 17, 2014 Waddup guys, I thought I'd share another video related to camping. But this one provides a solution to hacking advanced players who know that they are being invaded and camp on top of a rooftop. The [..] View

[PC] Can't hack friends, they can hack me.

3:01 am, September 14, 2014 I was able to hack friends until a few days ago. Now, when I click to hack friends on the online map, instead of showing me a box of names (white or grey) it brings up this dialogue: [..] View

Why only 10 points when people DC?

11:01 pm, September 8, 2014 I hate to moan because Ubi has greatly improved online after ironing out the patch's bugs, buttttttt... Weren't we promised default wins against quitters? I keep getting 10 points when it should have [..] View

Could Online Scoring Be Tweaked A Little Still?

11:01 pm, September 8, 2014 As a whole, I'm still really enjoying the game. With the latest scoring fixes it is good to see that quitters get nothing and that as the invader you at least get some points. This has really added to [..] View

FFA issues (decryption)

11:01 pm, September 8, 2014 Who came up with this ludicrous idea? Which one of the game designers dares to speak out and say he designed this. It;s BS, you should be ashamed. I can't even choose what I join, and when I leave I'l [..] View

Bounty Questions

3:01 am, September 7, 2014 Heya. New here. These has probably been asked, and if someone could direct me to the thread that'd be swell:1. How does one acquire a bounty beyond 70? I've only on two occasions run into players with [..] View

TRACED Trophy cannot be earned!

11:01 pm, September 5, 2014 Hello Ubisoft, I am so angry at whoever decided to put the Traced trophy into the game which requires you to be tailed 5 times by other players in order to receive it. How could you decide to put a [..] View

help, game reset to 0% again

11:01 pm, September 4, 2014 so yeah, i've completed the game again for the 3rd time, had it complete to 98.2% all missions and side missions completed, all left to do was the drinking challenge, had just achived the 12500 notoro [..] View

Ubisoft Support can't restore lost online notoriety points and skills.

11:01 pm, September 4, 2014 Yesterday I started Watch_Dogs and clicked 'continue' as always. But instead of loading my savegame it started a new game. I don't have a clue why that happened but as a result I lost my 25k online no [..] View

Losing points if other player quits

11:01 pm, September 3, 2014 Since this morning, I've been losing notoriety points if another player quits while I'm hacking them - not only this but they are gaining points! It used to be the case both players scored zero if the [..] View

[PC] Bug (Game Breaking?)

11:01 pm, September 3, 2014 So I have been playing watchdogs on and off since it was released, hell I even per-ordered, and to be quite frank I was and still am highly disappointed. Having said that. I have noticed that Side Mis [..] View

Game Engine problem?

11:01 pm, September 2, 2014 Tried to start up WD today. First things I got was a message saying that my local and cloud data were not synchronized. I thought that was weird, but continued on. Game loaded up like it usually do [..] View

[PC] No anti vehicle rounds with 6000 notoriety points

11:01 pm, September 1, 2014 I have over 6000 notoriety points and just realized that the only weapon I have that has anti vehicle rounds, not counting the grenade launchers, is the "Destroyer". I couldn't figure out ho [..] View

Weapon customization? new outfits? plz read ubi!

11:01 pm, August 31, 2014 Ubi, im very dissapointed to know that you cannot do the following in watch dogs: 1) the game map feels very small and somewhat repetitive- you cant enjoy it as much that way:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: [..] View

Tailing notoriety points

11:01 pm, August 30, 2014 Why do I lose 110 notoriety points when my tailing target races away in a performance car, but I only get 25 points for flawlessly tailing someone? Happens too often someone just races away in their f [..] View

Questions about Multiplayer

11:01 pm, August 30, 2014 Allright. I have played 20 Multiplayer Missions. Here are my thoughts and questions that I have for the community. I have played decrypting, was more ***** than alive. Insta-kills by the same guy who [..] View

PC Opens in Window Mode

11:01 pm, August 30, 2014 Hi all, Since the last patch Watch Dogs always runs in windowed mode, anyone know how to fix? I've tried altering the GamerProfile.xml file before running (altering "WindowMode"'s setting t [..] View

Playing on another computer -> Stats messed up

11:01 pm, August 30, 2014 Hello, I'm playing Watch Dogs on another computer at the moment and of course my save game and success were imported from uPlay Cloud. What I noticed is: - Yesterday I did a couple of online hacks, we [..] View

ALT+F4 vs Cancel contract

11:01 pm, August 30, 2014 Thanks Ubisoft, really thank you the way you screw up the game. Now, if I’m lucky, can hack one or two people on line, but can’t find any other match for 1 hour. I agree with pooli [..] View

Ubi unpatched the patch for CTOS Mobile disconnecting?

11:01 pm, August 29, 2014 Probably the only element of the last patch that was a 100% functional improvement was that if your Mobile challenge partner DC'd, the challenge continued without them, and you could still get points. [..] View

Completely legit way How-To maximize notoriety points in online Race mode.

3:01 am, August 29, 2014 I don't use this myself because I don't really care about the leaderboards. But some obviously do. First, let's take a look at the current PC leaderboard for Race mode: Now look at the points the play [..] View

Help my skills got reset

11:01 pm, August 28, 2014 I just got in WD to play some online, till I noticed that my N points is at 0, and my skills tree is empty, My money and my gameplay didn't reset tho, so it's now impossible to get skills back, I'm n [..] View

Thank you for making a bad situation Worse. Great way to discourage future buys.

11:01 pm, August 27, 2014 Since the patch it now seems I have about a 65% chance of getting stuck in a game with someone who is sitting and waiting to pick me off. While previously it was a scam to have someone quit out if yo [..] View

Hacking: I can only find a few players/victims

3:01 am, August 27, 2014 Hi, today I discovered a strange behavior while playing online hacking: I searched for victims to hack and always found the same two people - every time. It felt like there were only these two guys o [..] View

Need help with Traced achievement

11:01 pm, August 26, 2014 Hello, could someone help me with finishing "Traced" achievement (being tailed 5 times)? Few days ago Ubi released new patch which allows to tailing and hacking friends. It will be easy to g [..] View

loosing notoriety points

11:01 pm, August 25, 2014 This is ridicules, after new patch I lost more than 3000+ notoriety points. I was hacking and invader disconnected from online, each time I lost 180+ notoriety. This must be change, otherwise more ga [..] View

[PS4] Trophies not unlocking during PSN downtime

11:01 pm, August 25, 2014 As you all know, PSN was down yesterday due to some DDOS attacks, followed by a scheduled maintenance. I played the PS4 version of Watch Dogs during this downtime and progressed to a point where I sh [..] View

[PS4] Trophy glitch- "They Call Him The Vigilante" will not unlock.

11:01 pm, August 24, 2014 PS4 version- this trophy will not unlock. The story line has been completed, so sadly, I cannot use an old save game at this point. Please advise how I can easily unlock this trophy, which I have e [..] View

New Patch (today 8/21/14) Big Bug!

11:01 pm, August 24, 2014 Update for developers ************************************************** ******** The points loss from a partial hack seems to come from a person who has a bounty. Point loss also occurs when the o [..] View

Ok, is the hacking game now glitched or what?

3:01 am, August 24, 2014 I just got hacked. While I was searching and searching, the area finally shrunk down surrounding just a bar. I search and I search, when the player wins, the game shows me their location, which happen [..] View

New Patch-->Fixer quits-->I lose points

11:01 pm, August 23, 2014 Hi there. I have to say i am really pissed off. Excuse me, if i am somewhat mad, but the new patch is ridiculous in my opinion. For the multiplayer hacking mode the new patch brought us this: Quot [..] View

[PC] locked out after hacking/tailing a friend

11:01 pm, August 23, 2014 After completing a hack or tail on a friend since the new patch, whether winning or losing, the game gets stuck saying press B or Esc to close, but there's nothing to close and pressing either button [..] View

[PS3] Kakarot!

11:01 pm, August 23, 2014 Not even Broly's anger could mirror my feelings towards losing 2,000 points. When people disconnect, I lose points! Ubisoft, stop being so fricking soft, and grow some balls of steel. I want to see s [..] View

WOW! Penalized for opponent disconnects!!!??

3:01 am, August 23, 2014 How do you mess online up this bad? Every time I'm hacking someone and they disconnect I'm penalized. Seeing I'm high ranking I'm severely penalized in the neighbourhood of 200 plus points while the [..] View

[PS3] Gamebreaking Bug strikes again, while OFFLINE - All Skills/Outfits Reset

3:01 am, August 23, 2014 I have no idea what caused this to happen, but shortly after finishing the last Gang Hideout I went to assign new skill points and my skill point menu and outfits were completely reset. I wasn't even [..] View

Fair and fun Online Hacking/Invading? Reply here!

11:01 pm, August 22, 2014 Hi Everyone, If you are sick of all the campers, exploiters, disconnectors, etc and now are sick of the latest patch that penalizes us who play fair when someone disconnects, then since we are able t [..] View

Online Hacking close spawn..

11:01 pm, August 22, 2014 And I mean really close.. Since yesterday's update, Four times I was put in for a tailing, three of which spawned me about 50m from the target, of which they u-turned and either profiled me or just s [..] View

Critics missing the point on Watch Dogs minigames

11:01 pm, August 22, 2014 Several critics have complained about the AR minigames found in the WD gameworld, such as the Gold Rush. They say these minigames are unnecessary and silly, and really spoil the otherwise very mature [..] View

Ubisoft - please clarify punishment for disconnection system

11:01 pm, August 22, 2014 I am a little concerned about this. My router is on the second floor of the house, my PS4 in the cellar. I use wi-fi, as an ethernet cable is too impractical. When playing Titanfall I have never had a [..] View

Latest Patch - Still No Sound

11:01 pm, August 22, 2014 So after waiting patiently since launch we've had our second (?) patch. Thanks for fixing some things. Also, thanks for fixing the *wrong* things first. * STILL NO 5.1 SOUND !!!!!!!!!!!!!! * Game s [..] View

Is disconnecting retroactive?

3:01 am, August 22, 2014 AKA the times I've diconected due to the BS about if you quit because someone is a exploiter, even though they never let you get within 500M's of them for 5 mins you still lose points. Going to play [..] View

New patch, Opponent disconnecting results in loss of 180 points for ME!

3:01 am, August 22, 2014 Installed the new patch today, and TWICE in the last thirty minutes,the person I was hacking has disconnected during the hack resulting in a loss of 180 points FOR ME!!!! Has this happened to anyone e [..] View

Serious Post-Patch scoring issues 8/21/14

3:01 am, August 22, 2014 I'm seeing serious scoring issues. I just hacked someone.. initiated... he quit at 10%... I LOST 191 points! HE quit.. *I* lost points!! Mind blown. Also noticed when I got profiled pre-hack... bu [..] View

Did they fix the exploits?

11:01 pm, August 21, 2014 I see they have this. MULTIPLAYER BAD BEHAVIOR – Players who are frequently disconnecting from multiplayer matches will be pooled together and paired only against players with similar on [..] View

About that random red tanker

11:01 pm, August 20, 2014 right beside the lighthouse in the area of brandon docks, is a lone tanker. you cant board it, theres nothing on it,it does not move. it just sits there like a tiny little island that no one can stand [..] View

I've been patient, now I just want my money back

11:01 pm, August 19, 2014 Dear Ubisoft CEO, I've been patient and I waited for nearly a month for a patch to fix a fairly simple issue: stuttering. I know, I know, you're going to point me to the system requirements. My sy [..] View

Whats the point of being mayor?

3:01 am, August 19, 2014 I searched the forum but havn't seen anything about it. You may now call me Mayor Cpt_FancyPantz. I got 5 mayorships with some ridiculously low check in numbers. Ones at 3 times one at 4. I like all t [..] View

Hacking Like Deus Ex Human Revolution… What if it was?

3:01 am, August 17, 2014 Now Watch Dogs is by no means a bad game. It does a lot right. I like Aiden, he's a simple protagonist that i can project myself into and onto. It's not done enough, protagonists that are just conduit [..] View

watch dogs PC cant start game, and activation code got stolen

3:01 am, August 17, 2014 :mad::mad: This really pissed me off, I bought watch dogs (PC version) last night. Today I got email that contains the activation code and instructions of downloading the game. After 3 hours of downl [..] View

Why, Ubi, Why? :( [Act IV/V/End STORY SPOILERS!]

11:01 pm, August 15, 2014 Ok... I hope this is in the right section. Hey all, I'm new here, I've been playing since the release date. I wish I don't sound like an idiot, but this has been bothering me A LOT now, something abo [..] View

**Possible spoilers*** Story feedback, little details that don't make sence, etc

11:01 pm, August 14, 2014 I am almost done with the game and i figured aside from technical issues and whatnot i must not be the only one that can get hung up on the little detail or story plots. The thing that struck me yeste [..] View

Some Perspective from TotalBiscuit on the Wath_Dogs Debacle

11:01 pm, August 14, 2014 Just saw this video on youtube from TotalBiscuit, the Cynical Brit. He brings up some very good points about some of the issues present with Watch Dogs, in particular the disparity present between the [..] View

[XBOne] XP Meter Not loading

11:01 pm, August 14, 2014 All of a sudden I still get XP for completing missions. But the XP meter is broken and it stays at 0. So I can't upgrade my last few skill points. I tried the uninstall/re-install but nothing worked. [..] View

5 things you need to fix in this game

11:01 pm, August 12, 2014 Mainly: 1. The drinking game. I've seen people rage about this for the PS4, but for the PC, it is impossible. You could not have tested this, because I don't believe even the developers could do thi [..] View

Idea for WD2

11:01 pm, August 11, 2014 I realize there are a lot of tell tale signs that an invading player is present in your game and most of these cannot or should not be altered due to balancing issues or whatever. I have an alternativ [..] View

Skills vanished!!!!!!

11:01 pm, August 11, 2014 So i have been playing for a week or so and have made alot of progress at this point in the game so when i opened my skill tree to see that all my skills had disappeared and i can't use any of them an [..] View

Can We Get a Yes/No Confirmation When Hacking Pedestrian Accounts?

11:01 pm, August 11, 2014 I know it's just a game, but as my character is portrayed as an anti-hero vigilante fighting for the betterment of the citizenry against the corrupt govt, I find it incongruous that my primary source [..] View

[SPOILERS] Abridged and critical game design analysis

11:01 pm, August 7, 2014 Hi everyone, I've been playing Watch_Dogs for several weeks now, and I wanted to share some thoughts about the game from a game design perspective. So without further ado: GENERAL - Hacking stuff at t [..] View

Watch Dogs 2 Ideas, Ubi listen up!

11:01 pm, August 6, 2014 I'm just gonna get to the point on this. 1-Graphics The game engine they used looked like an upgraded Saints Row 3 engine in my opinion, I believe they should use snowdrop. If you ask why look up th [..] View

Watch Dogs Free Roam For Xbox 360 and PS3

3:01 am, August 6, 2014 Hello, I recently purchased watch dogs for the xbox 360 and I was disappointed to see that there was no online free roam, that it is only on next gen and PC with 8 players. I think that ubisoft shoul [..] View

Traffic Tunnels & Hackable Traffic Signs

11:01 pm, August 4, 2014 Is there any reason other than to mark where the tunnels are for the tunnels ot be marked on the map? Like is there anything you can hack/do in the tunnels like you can with the bridges and stuff? Als [..] View

Waiting for the Miracle Patch, and more communication !

11:01 pm, August 4, 2014 Hello ! Just to say that, despite being an excellent game, Watch Dogs has too much critical issues that disgust playing with it and provoke a lot of hate toward Ubisoft ! So we are still wating for [..] View

i can run the game, but it doesnt connect to ubisoft servers

3:01 am, August 3, 2014 all of a sudden i saw the message "please wait while we connect you to the ubisoft servers" the game takes a while to start, and then i cant access the ranking and online matches. it tries [..] View

Disconnected and proud of it!

11:01 pm, August 2, 2014 I know, I know, I hate it too when people disconnect. But here is the situation. I go into a hack and the points are somewhere in the 600+ if I succeed. Well, I get thrown in with my hack 30m away [..] View

No challenge left...Is anyone out there able to beat me? (Broken Game)

11:01 pm, August 1, 2014 Online hacking I don't think I have lost a game in weeks. Whats even more worrying than this is the fact that I have not had a single game against a player that awards more than 50 points in weeks des [..] View


[PS4] Level 50, Missing 1 skill point.

Feb 7, 2015, 10:09 am I've been working on all the side missions and Trophies, but for some odd reason I'm missing 1 skill point to complete the skills wheel. Any fix to this? Also I'm missing 1 Gang Hideout, I've been hac[..] View

is the points for losing too much?

Jan 21, 2015, 1:48 pm 250 points for losing a hack, thats 5 wins in hack, or like 20 wins in tailing, which wouldn't be TOO bad if I could just chose more challenging oponents but it's take the 5-1 risk or spend 30 minutes waiting for a oponent worth decent points. What do you guys think? View

technical issues on skill point

Jan 17, 2015, 8:08 am good i have problem on my watchdog..earlly i get in game n found all my game skill was reset to zero..i all ready finish my could this happen do someone else have same proble[..] View

Why so few points? And why "partial" success?

Jan 6, 2015, 7:48 pm Recently I caught a hacker and killed him at 6%. I got, ahem, a grand total of 32 points, even though his NP was over 12,000. My own rating was just over 11,000. Firstly, I don't understand why I got [..] View

Ubisoft Support can't restore lost online notoriety points and skills.

Dec 31, 2014, 2:49 pm Yesterday I started Watch_Dogs and clicked '<i>continue</i>' as always. But instead of loading my savegame it started a new game. I don't have a clue why that happened but as a result I lost my 25k on[..] View

Tailing notoriety points

Dec 30, 2014, 5:26 pm Why do I lose 110 notoriety points when my tailing target races away in a performance car, but I only get 25 points for flawlessly tailing someone? Happens too often someone just races away in their f[..] View

None points for the winners.

Dec 24, 2014, 6:28 pm Wondering how and why people can leave the 1 vs 1 @ any challenge without loosing points or least the Winner to get rewarded. Everytime u reach 13/14 checkpoints people quit. Leaving u behind with [..] View

Why only 10 points when people DC?

Dec 23, 2014, 8:59 am I hate to moan because Ubi has greatly improved online after ironing out the patch's bugs, buttttttt... Weren't we promised default wins against quitters? I keep getting 10 points when it should have [..] View

What is the highest point that you can reach?

Dec 19, 2014, 3:41 pm Apart from the towers that the viceroys stay at, I don't know of many tall points that you can climb up to. Does anyone know the highest point you can be?[..] View

Disappointed :/

Dec 15, 2014, 5:04 pm I just finished the campaign of the game..and wanted to say that im disappointed with the short story line of the game..ubisoft could make lot more effort to have more missions at least 50 main missio[..] View

Whats the point of being mayor?

Dec 13, 2014, 12:58 pm I searched the forum but havn't seen anything about it. You may now call me Mayor Cpt_FancyPantz. I got 5 mayorships with some ridiculously low check in numbers. Ones at 3 times one at 4. I like all t[..] View

Losing points if other player quits

Dec 13, 2014, 12:05 pm Since this morning, I've been losing notoriety points if another player quits while I'm hacking them - not only this but they are gaining points! It used to be the case both players scored zero if the[..] View

loosing notoriety points

Dec 11, 2014, 6:51 am This is ridicules, after new patch I lost more than 3000+ notoriety points. I was hacking and invader disconnected from online, each time I lost 180+ notoriety. This must be change, otherwise more ga[..] View

[PC] No anti vehicle rounds with 6000 notoriety points

Dec 5, 2014, 10:34 am I have over 6000 notoriety points and just realized that the only weapon I have that has anti vehicle rounds, not counting the grenade launchers, is the "Destroyer". I couldn't figure out how the fixe[..] View

Craptastic point loss sytem

Dec 3, 2014, 7:38 am Ubi, your point loss system is a joke as it is for hacking/tailing Yes there should be point loss, no it shouldn't penalize how it currently does. There's a way, I won't repeat, for any target to caus[..] View

Critics missing the point on Watch Dogs minigames

Dec 3, 2014, 1:54 am Several critics have complained about the AR minigames found in the WD gameworld, such as the Gold Rush. They say these minigames are unnecessary and silly, and really spoil the otherwise very mature[..] View

Completely legit way How-To maximize notoriety points in online Race mode.

Dec 2, 2014, 11:58 am I don't use this myself because I don't really care about the leaderboards. But some obviously do. First, let's take a look at the current PC leaderboard for Race mode:<img src="[..] View

New Patch-->Fixer quits-->I lose points

Nov 29, 2014, 3:58 am Hi there. I have to say i am really pissed off. Excuse me, if i am somewhat mad, but the new patch is ridiculous in my opinion. For the multiplayer hacking mode the new patch brought us this: Quot[..] View

New patch, Opponent disconnecting results in loss of 180 points for ME!

Nov 28, 2014, 9:18 pm Installed the new patch today, and TWICE in the last thirty minutes,the person I was hacking has disconnected during the hack resulting in a loss of 180 points FOR ME!!!! Has this happened to anyone e[..] View

[PS4] Notoriety points reset

Nov 28, 2014, 8:11 pm downloaded the bad blood dlc played as t bone and went back to aiden pierce online all my points ate reset to the same as t bone iam still on the leader boareds 34839 points rank 482 is it posible to [..] View

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