Un-Official Watch_Dogs Fan Site




Lol after playing the multiplayer I have some serious complaints.

3:01 am, October 24, 2014 The only playable game mode is 1v1 hacking and racing but racing has its issues with the gpu skydiving when in a car, The only real problem I see with 1v1 hacking is the fact that you can use any type [..] View

weapon crafting system- would it be a good idea?

11:01 pm, October 22, 2014 Hello, all. I thought that scince guns have diffirent amounts of power, accuracy, and rates of fire, I was thinking mabye adding a weapon crafting system that you can use to make your weapons more acc [..] View

World Rank Bug?

11:01 pm, October 19, 2014 I recently made it to the top of the leaderboard for notoriety earned all-time through online contracts. When I look at my profile, it states that my world rank is 2, even though I'm 1st on the leader [..] View

Running Animation

11:01 pm, October 10, 2014 I know this sounds like a trivial thing but its something that makes a world of difference. I noticed the way how Aiden runs in the E3 2012 demo all the way to the E3 2013 one compared to how he runs [..] View

More and diffirent/better outfits and weapon crafiting system

11:01 pm, October 10, 2014 Anyone sick of the fact that there is only 1 or 2 outfits you can where in watch dogs and how the only thing you can change are the colors? it'd be GREAT if there where dozens, if not hundreds of diff [..] View

[XB360] Why is Ubi Support answering something that has nothing to do with the topic?!

11:01 pm, October 7, 2014 Hey, is there someone from Ubisoft reading this forum here? About the stuff I wrote filled with rage in the 29 site long thread about the "Game Breaking Bug" I opened a ticket at Ubi Suppor [..] View

Watch_Dogs launch & crash

11:01 pm, October 1, 2014 My watchdogs Launches and crashes within in instant. I have never had this problem before today, I reinstalled it and still came up with the same error. now I have thought about 2 reason why this is h [..] View

Online Hacking - camping v. Hiding?

11:01 pm, September 29, 2014 I've heard a lot of back and forth on this, but am curious on this point. Isn't the goal of online hacking to not get caught by any means necessary? If you find a good hiding space to wait out the h [..] View

Less Repetitive Side Missions

11:01 pm, September 27, 2014 Hi Today I'd like to bring up something I really disliked about Watch Dogs is the amount of side missions/investigations that are entirely the same. I mean the 40 fixer contracts don't seem vary too [..] View

Gamefile error

11:01 pm, September 26, 2014 I can play Watch Dogs with no issue on my PC, yet when I just want to make sure that the game files are up to date, I run a file check through Uplay. It gives me this warning / error :http://imagizer [..] View

[PC] Possible issue with reflections settings in the game, and solution?

3:01 am, September 26, 2014 I got to try the new Bad Blood download content that was released to season pass holders this week, and I'm really enjoying it so far. There are many new types of missions to complete, and the new onl [..] View

Ubisoft must REALLY not want my money.

11:01 pm, September 24, 2014 Good, because they won't get it. Wii U version won't get any of the DLC? Listen Ubi, its not that Wii U owners don't buy mature games, we do, this isn't the Wii days. In fact did you know ZombiU and [..] View

Counter-Camping Video #2 How to hack 22,000+ Notoriety players camping next to lifts

11:01 pm, September 24, 2014 Waddup guys, my first counter-camping video focused on using offensive engagement to lure a camper from their hiding spots. This video focuses on using trickery to lure a camper from his hiding spot [..] View

[PS4] Can't find "Hacking" sessions

11:01 pm, September 24, 2014 Hi! I'm currently having problems finding a "hacking" session (1 on 1). I've been working on the "hacking"-online-trophy since Saturday and back then it was fine (even though it to [..] View

Anyone else who played the DLC give ur thoughts

11:01 pm, September 23, 2014 Hey, those of you who own the UPLAY version, and plays the DLCS, ur thoughts so far? i think t-bone is fun, he has charisma that aiden lacks. and i love his knockdowns. and good to know (spoiler aler [..] View

PS4 players, please read: anyone notice DLC go missing?

11:01 pm, September 18, 2014 I recently noticed that Conspiracy, the Mission and Outfits from Access Granted, and basically EVERYTHING except the PS4 Exclusive Missions, Chicago South Club Outfit and Master Driving Perk are gone [..] View

How to hack 23,000 Notoriety players camping on rooftops

11:01 pm, September 17, 2014 Waddup guys, I thought I'd share another video related to camping. But this one provides a solution to hacking advanced players who know that they are being invaded and camp on top of a rooftop. The [..] View

How to hack 23,000+ Notoriety players camping on rooftops

11:01 pm, September 17, 2014 Waddup guys, I thought I'd share another video related to camping. But this one provides a solution to hacking advanced players who know that they are being invaded and camp on top of a rooftop. The [..] View

Expanding Watch Dogs map? take notice ubi!

3:01 am, September 14, 2014 The title should be pretty self-explanatory, but does anyone feel that watch dogs's map is a bit small (especially compared to GTA 5's map)? I thought that maybe doubling the size of the map would be [..] View

No phone audio or subtitles, cant progress with game.

11:01 pm, September 8, 2014 Hi my progression in the game has been halted due to fact that when my character is on a mission and receives a phone call, he places the phone to his ear but i have no audio or subtitles and even tho [..] View

Impressed ( Spoilers )

3:01 am, September 7, 2014 Ok I have just completed the campaign mode of WatchDogs and I must say that my previous judgements when I first had a taster of the game are not reflective of my final opinion. I found WatchDogs are c [..] View

Question about a strange yellow profiling!!! Loading stopped at 75-76% (PS3)

3:01 am, September 7, 2014 While profiling civilians, I came across a man named Davis Nolan. Occupation: Meter Reader / The strange thing about him was that the white box that the ctOS normally highlights people with was yellow [..] View

Help me understand something

11:01 pm, September 6, 2014 :confused: I see that there is a T-Bone DLC coming out at the end of the month, also, there is the Newark DLC coming out in the fall. The game is still not in "working order" and is pretty [..] View

That pesky #100 city hotspot

11:01 pm, September 5, 2014 I was searching ALL OVER the map tonight trying to find the last city hotspot for my GeoLocated trophy, and I read somewhere to check the lighthouse ALL THE WAY ON THE RIGHT hand side of the map. Lo [..] View

New Code aka Me.vs.U.vs.TheLaw

11:01 pm, September 3, 2014 As of now I'm playing Watch_Dogs by a new code. Basically, if I see you getting attacked by the cops, I'm gonna back you up. Let me know you're thoughts on this. Sorry if someone already posted someth [..] View

Watch Dogs is my GOTY for sure

11:01 pm, September 3, 2014 To me W_D is definitely the Game of The Year. It's just so perfect both in looks, sounds and playability. It has fluid and easy controls. It has brill missions and collectables. And although I've [..] View

So How Many Time's Have You Watched The Intro, Because It's Broke?

11:01 pm, September 3, 2014 So who else gets this black screen on intro, it did work at launch funnily enough but as the cloud decided to do a number on me or decided to go corrupt on me I had to start all over again. So after t [..] View

[PC] Bug (Game Breaking?)

11:01 pm, September 3, 2014 So I have been playing watchdogs on and off since it was released, hell I even per-ordered, and to be quite frank I was and still am highly disappointed. Having said that. I have noticed that Side Mis [..] View

Game Engine problem?

11:01 pm, September 2, 2014 Tried to start up WD today. First things I got was a message saying that my local and cloud data were not synchronized. I thought that was weird, but continued on. Game loaded up like it usually do [..] View

[PC] uPlay thinks that WATCH_DOGS is installed when it inst?

11:01 pm, August 31, 2014 Okay, so I got WATCH_DOGS and activated my key and now it thinks that WATCH_DOGS is installed on my PC even though I have never had WATCH_DOGS installed on my PC. Instead of having the "Install&q [..] View

Questions about Multiplayer

11:01 pm, August 30, 2014 Allright. I have played 20 Multiplayer Missions. Here are my thoughts and questions that I have for the community. I have played decrypting, was more ***** than alive. Insta-kills by the same guy who [..] View

Cant find any online sessions?

11:01 pm, August 28, 2014 Are people still playing this game online? Whenever i search for online decryption or racing it says wait time unknown and never finds a game and says no online sessions found. I can occasionally find [..] View

[PC] Can't play because I can't download a patch the game requires.

11:01 pm, August 28, 2014 For the past three days I have been trying to play watch_dogs without much joy. Each time I try to load the game I am told that there needs to be an update downloaded yet every time I try to download [..] View

Thank you for making a bad situation Worse. Great way to discourage future buys.

11:01 pm, August 27, 2014 Since the patch it now seems I have about a 65% chance of getting stuck in a game with someone who is sitting and waiting to pick me off. While previously it was a scam to have someone quit out if yo [..] View

Has ubi ever thought about expanding the game universe?

11:01 pm, August 27, 2014 Hello, all. Is it just me, or does watch dogs lack several things essential to open-world gaming? such as: 1:you cannot fly- anything- helicopters or planes to navigate the game world.:mad: 2; this [..] View

Hacking: I can only find a few players/victims

3:01 am, August 27, 2014 Hi, today I discovered a strange behavior while playing online hacking: I searched for victims to hack and always found the same two people - every time. It felt like there were only these two guys o [..] View

Forced combat/killing in Watch Dogs

11:01 pm, August 24, 2014 Hi guys, I'm really liking Watch Dogs, especially the stealth component of it. However, I have come across a few cases now where it seems like I NEED to **** baddies to progress. One was with the p [..] View

Wierd stuttering issue

11:01 pm, August 23, 2014 On the first two days, I had no stutters. Very occasionally, I had stutters while driving, but like I said, those were rare instances. However, over the past 2 days, the game stutters like crazy. Whe [..] View

Can't find any players in CTOS Mobile challenge on PC

11:01 pm, August 23, 2014 It was working fine before the 22 august patch, now it says "Avg. Wait Time: Unknown" and after a long search, "try later". I can play other game modes though, it looks like ctos c [..] View

error when online xbox 360

11:01 pm, August 22, 2014 Every time I try to hack online I get about half finished an ubisoft error and I loose noteriety I thought the other person dashboards but not the case they get the same message View

WATCH_DOGS SEASON PASS Outfits and missions

11:01 pm, August 22, 2014 Hello, My question is: is this a Bug or why are the Outfits and the missions from WATCH dogs on ps4 are NOT avaible on offline Mode, i thought they Said That you can play the Game offlin, so i thou [..] View

Ubisoft - please clarify punishment for disconnection system

11:01 pm, August 22, 2014 I am a little concerned about this. My router is on the second floor of the house, my PS4 in the cellar. I use wi-fi, as an ethernet cable is too impractical. When playing Titanfall I have never had a [..] View

How to "Reset" Gang Hideouts after Main Storyline? (8/21 Patch Question)

11:01 pm, August 22, 2014 Hi All, I completed the main storyline a good while back and would love to reset the gang hideouts (mentioned in yesterday's patch), but I'm at a loss for how to do so. Their icons did not autom [..] View

Is disconnecting retroactive?

3:01 am, August 22, 2014 AKA the times I've diconected due to the BS about if you quit because someone is a exploiter, even though they never let you get within 500M's of them for 5 mins you still lose points. Going to play [..] View

MAJOR BUG - I am "invisible" to enemies!

11:01 pm, August 21, 2014 I found it weird that enemies were not seeing me. I though I was sneaking well. Then, while playing the mission where you meet Clara for the first time, one of the guards in the building walked past [..] View

Online Defence questions

11:01 pm, August 20, 2014 I'm a bit confused about the ratings. Are they absolute i.e. a certain percentage of success corresponds to the five ratings from Very Weak to Very Strong? Or is Average the literal average of success [..] View

Possible future minor update

3:01 am, August 20, 2014 Hello ubisoft and forum goers. I have played watch dogs up to about 1/4 through act 2, and besides a (minor) plot hole I am rather enjoying the story and gameplay in general. There is one minor issue [..] View

How do you want WATCH_DOGS 2.0 to be?

11:01 pm, August 19, 2014 We all know that W_D is a franchise and that a sequel is coming sooner or later. Whether it’s gonna pick up where W_D left off or start with another protagonist who somehow relates to Aiden [..] View

[PC] WatchDogs. Keypad partly Crippled. Keymap save settings crippled & Patch Questionz.

11:01 pm, August 19, 2014 WatchDogs I run a custom Platinum i7 Haswell GTX 780 rig (SSD, 16Gb RAM etc etc etc), and yes the game is on Ultra settings (1080p), but its like.... I am running an old GTX 660 or something? Was it o [..] View

Whats the point of being mayor?

3:01 am, August 19, 2014 I searched the forum but havn't seen anything about it. You may now call me Mayor Cpt_FancyPantz. I got 5 mayorships with some ridiculously low check in numbers. Ones at 3 times one at 4. I like all t [..] View

no mini map

11:01 pm, August 18, 2014 for some time now i have only had a battery bar thought if i put the game down for a bit maybe an update would fix it but no to that, so i verified the files with steam's options but that came back [..] View

What's your favorite car?

11:01 pm, August 17, 2014 Among the performance cars for me it's pretty obviously between the Livraga, Papavero, and Scafati GT. It could be my imagination but I'm thinking the Livagra is a little more prone to understeer whil [..] View

Why, Ubi, Why? :( [Act IV/V/End STORY SPOILERS!]

11:01 pm, August 15, 2014 Ok... I hope this is in the right section. Hey all, I'm new here, I've been playing since the release date. I wish I don't sound like an idiot, but this has been bothering me A LOT now, something abo [..] View

[Uplay_Account] mobile ctos app problem

11:01 pm, August 11, 2014 Logged into Uplay on ipad, have pc version, I also logged into my psn account, just for fun. Now I can't find any players, even though I am not signed into the psn. After logging out, login to Upla [..] View

Please keep Aiden as the main character for the next watch dogs

11:01 pm, August 9, 2014 I dont care what some other people are saying aiden pearce is one of ky favorite video game characters since ezio. Alot of people complained about his voice but i think that the voice fits the charact [..] View

Can't Move!

11:01 pm, August 9, 2014 I just got the game and I already have problems. After meeting Jordi for the first time, the cops order us to reveal ourselves and I can't move at all. I also can't pan with the mouse. I can pause the [..] View

Some Issues

11:01 pm, August 8, 2014 Having been lucky and not had any issues till now thought it a good idea to list problems im starting to incounter 1.During some fixer missions cars which need to be taken down are invisible only lea [..] View

[SPOILERS] Abridged and critical game design analysis

11:01 pm, August 7, 2014 Hi everyone, I've been playing Watch_Dogs for several weeks now, and I wanted to share some thoughts about the game from a game design perspective. So without further ado: GENERAL - Hacking stuff at t [..] View

[XB360] Continuing Game Causes 360 to Freeze

11:01 pm, August 7, 2014 Hello, I hope no one has already posted about this issue. Forgive me if someone has; I'm new to all this. But I'm having a huge issue when I try to continue my game. The main menu loads up fine, as [..] View

Watch dogs new vehicles, such as helicopters and tanks, new missions, & other stuff.

11:01 pm, August 6, 2014 Hey everyone. Watch Dogs looks cool and all, but I was wondering if anyone else had any thoughts of making it funner and deeper. wondering if it would be possible to ask for some thing(s) to be crea [..] View

Inventory management

11:01 pm, August 5, 2014 As i posted in the thread asking if a patch will be coming soon i am wondering will they be adding a way of managing your inventory. For example the only way i know of just now is by crafting items so [..] View

Is the Taco truck in the Cars on Demand app?

11:01 pm, August 4, 2014 I can't see it, even though I did that T-Bone mission many moons ago. I wonder if I'm looking in the wrong/right place, since Ubisoft have strange ideas like putting the huge limo under "Budget&q [..] View

[Problem needs solving] Watch_Dogs without sound.

11:01 pm, August 2, 2014 I've recently lost the ability to hear any sounds in Watch_Dogs, at first I thought it was a problem with my headset or television speakers (HDMI), but then it turned out it was only the game alongsid [..] View

A Few Questions...

11:01 pm, July 31, 2014 Hey there, all So, I'm a big fan of the game and all, but there are a few things bugging me. I was able to find one thread regarding enemies after completion, but there are other questions that I hav [..] View

Failed to synchronize game saves

3:01 am, July 31, 2014 Failed to synchronize cloud saves. I thought the update would fix the problem... it didn't. So i can start over or not play the game. Anyone know how to fix this? View

FIREFIGHT MODE!!!! (A New Contract Type idea!)

11:01 pm, July 30, 2014 Hey ubisoft forums. ive thought this one out alot so bear with me here. during random crimes, you will sometimes have the criminal call for backup. now if they do that the ensuing firefight was actua [..] View

Disappointed :/

11:01 pm, July 30, 2014 I just finished the campaign of the game..and wanted to say that im disappointed with the short story line of the game..ubisoft could make lot more effort to have more missions at least 50 main missio [..] View


11:01 pm, July 29, 2014 Hello Community, Why is it that when I am hacking and I have a user to 85% or higher that they quit and we get nothing for the attempt. This happens almost all the time. The user can find you so I [..] View

lost weapons just after ive bought them, not sure if its the dreaded glitch? help plz

11:01 pm, July 28, 2014 Ok so I'm really early on in the game I've just done the backdoor driver mission after big brother and that.. I bought a sniper rifle (the most expensive five star one) and I also bought a grenade la [..] View

why on earth should I buy DLC missions if they can't even be replayed?

11:01 pm, July 25, 2014 I really want to buy the 3 new missions DLC pack (even though I already got the Palace in the pre-order). But it really really sucks to pay extra for a ONE TIMED 30 mins of fun. View

My thoughts/suggestions for Watch Dogs

11:01 pm, July 24, 2014 Flawed artificial intelligence * First of all—in real life—Chicago uses a sophisticated gun shot detection system (one of the most advanced technologies of its kind) in two South a [..] View

[PS4] NAT problem still... Ctos mobile race fine though..

11:01 pm, July 24, 2014 Hi so I have had this problem ever since the 3rd day the game was released. I was able to play online perfectly on launch day and the 2nd day but after this "improvement" the team made in on [..] View

Just a thought...

11:01 pm, July 22, 2014 Greetings Potential game players. I say potential because lets face it if you own a high-end gaming PC you aren't playing this game. I have a piece of advice to you all. I am an Australian resident an [..] View

Why so few points? And why "partial" success?

11:01 pm, July 20, 2014 Recently I caught a hacker and ****** him at 6%. I got, ahem, a grand total of 32 points, even though his NP was over 12,000. My own rating was just over 11,000. Firstly, I don't understand why I got [..] View

Any day now!

11:01 pm, July 20, 2014 Ubisoft I don't know if you didn't get the memo or not, but now and days there's this great thing called online gaming and with it you can now update your game that you made to fix the problems in it [..] View


11:01 pm, July 18, 2014 Any ideas? here are some I'm just thinking about. What about what I suggested where, /IF/ you use a exploit to find someone is in your game, your then limited in how far you can go from where you st [..] View


11:01 pm, July 18, 2014 so i entered on a decription game mode, and to my surprize there was a guy with the file that was running fast, at first I thought he had some car but to my surprise he was on foot walking faster than [..] View

Y'know... we're not going to forget...

11:01 pm, July 15, 2014 Complete silence from the devs. Official status thread silent since 20th of June. Forum managers saying "we'll keep you updated as soon as we got something" and then locking threads. It's li [..] View

Watch Dogs Boycott

3:01 am, July 15, 2014 Do not get me wrong, Watch Dogs is a good looking game. It is not what we were promised though. Ubisoft completely lied to us about the graphics in Watch Dogs. The graphics don't even come close to wh [..] View

[PC] Watch dog gliches / objects

11:01 pm, July 14, 2014 I love this game but I figure out about 1 week ago saw a number a glitches that I haven't seen before 1. blue screen during game play sound keeps going and hangs or freezes 2. black triangle shape [..] View

Fix the game or your name is mud

3:01 am, July 14, 2014 as someone who has supported ubisoft since ac1. i will say i am quite disappointed with what they delivered with watchdogs. i have purchased every ac game 4 times over. including black flag with sea [..] View

Can't profile the invader even though I found him.

11:01 pm, July 13, 2014 Has anyone ever found their invader but been unable to profile them for no apparent reason? It's happened to me twice. It just wouldn't register him even though he's right in front of me and I'm aimin [..] View

A humble, certainly unrealistic, request for the developers.

11:01 pm, July 12, 2014 This is one of those things I’d never imagine requesting, particularly of a video game company. If Ubisoft Montreal intends to create Watch_Dogs 2 and if they intend to continue having it in [..] View

Online Character Customization?

11:01 pm, July 12, 2014 Where is it? Going to start going though all the information that Ubi has given for WD and see what else was lied about that we have proof of. I got a feeling a la [..] View

It isn't too late, take note from a good company. Dug out this email for you.

11:01 pm, July 12, 2014 Elemental war of magic turning into fallen enchantress. I got screwed then by buying war of magic. I've never had another developer ever come close to doing anything like this. You want pc gamers ba [..] View

Petition for the option to replay missions in Watch_Dogs

11:01 pm, July 11, 2014 EDIT: There already is a post regarding this matter: I really was dissappointed when the game was over and there was no way to enjoy most of it's f [..] View

How come people know they're being invaded in Online Tailing?

11:01 pm, July 11, 2014 I thought the difference here was that people weren't supposed to know they were being invaded unless you would start drawing attention to yourself. I just started playing online yesterday and EVERY t [..] View

Online Hacking/Tailing is a joke!

11:01 pm, July 11, 2014 With there being so many different ways to alert a player they are about to be hacked there is no such thing as stealth in this game. Any player is aware that you have joined their game before you ca [..] View

A few questions about invading people

3:01 am, July 11, 2014 Since I've completed most side missions and the main game, I'm gearing up to start playing the 1v1 hacking which I just haven't got round to before. A few questions: 1.) If the person I'm hacking rage [..] View

Done with this

3:01 am, July 11, 2014 I really enjoyed my play through of watch dogs. I read enough reviews beforehand to know not to expect anything amazing and therefore I enjoyed it absent inflections from the hype machine ubisoft arro [..] View

Dear Ubisoft

3:01 am, July 11, 2014 You're a great company without any doubt, you published many good games and I'm a big fan of you. But still though, you got some negatives... As you see tons of tons of topics out there in forums as [..] View

[XB360] Game Freezes when I try to Continue

3:01 am, July 11, 2014 This started for me around the end of June, every time I would open watchdogs and try to continue my save it would freeze. It freezes at the main menu screen only if I choose to continue. On the save [..] View

Known Issues haven't been updated since June 20th

3:01 am, July 11, 2014 Come on, Ubi, you're being worse than EA. Not like it matters though, because you never specifically point out what is updated in that thread, so we have to go and guess what you changed or updated. View

So many annoyances in the first few hours of the game

11:01 pm, July 8, 2014 Picked up Watch Dogs a few days ago, and I must say the first few hours have been frustrating as hell. The game is fun when it does what it is supposed to, but some stuff I came across was just... fak [..] View

Great Game with Horrible Story

11:01 pm, July 8, 2014 Great Game with Horrible Story I really enjoyed the game :D (especially with the WorseMod :cool:) but I HATED with a fury that could extinguish the sun, the Watch_Dogs narrative. :mad: Egh! It is oh s [..] View

All stats lost?

1:25 am, July 8, 2014 Great, some ******ed kid was at my house recently and thought it would be a good idea to play Watch Dogs and restart from the beginning. As much as I wouldn't mind redoing the campaign, I am frickin' [..] View

[XB360] Game Freezes

1:25 am, July 8, 2014 This started for me around the end of June, every time I would open watchdogs and try to continue my save it would freeze. It freezes at the main menu screen only if I choose to continue. On the save [..] View

What did you think of watch dogs ? where does it rate ( if at all) in your top 15

1:25 am, July 8, 2014 I have to admit I really like the idea of watch dogs more than the actual game (sorry). I prepared for its release by watching 3 series of person of interest ;) brilliant show. The graphics and gamepl [..] View

AFTER 8 HRS - It's the software, not your hardware

1:25 am, July 8, 2014 I've tweaked and modded and manipulated my computer and game and so far this is the unbelievable result: 1) This game gets better frame rates, no setting changed, with SLI disabled. 2) Changing from U [..] View

New to Season Pass / UbiSoft / DLC

1:25 am, July 8, 2014 I will be the first to admit, I never bought a game and subscribed to the idea of a season pass or DLC. With Watch Dogs, since I am having a lot of fun with the game, I thought I would try the season [..] View


My thoughts/suggestions for Watch Dogs

Mar 9, 2015, 2:05 pm Flawed artificial intelligence<br><br> * First of all&mdash;in real life&mdash;Chicago uses a sophisticated gun shot detection system (one of the most advanced technologies of its kind) in two South a[..] View

Just a thought...

Dec 22, 2014, 11:31 pm Greetings Potential game players. I say potential because lets face it if you own a high-end gaming PC you aren't playing this game. I have a piece of advice to you all. I am an Australian resident an[..] View

Can't profile the invader even though I found him.

Dec 16, 2014, 2:42 am Has anyone ever found their invader but been unable to profile them for no apparent reason? It's happened to me twice. It just wouldn't register him even though he's right in front of me and I'm aimin[..] View

Has ubi ever thought about expanding the game universe?

Dec 2, 2014, 1:06 pm Hello, all. Is it just me, or does watch dogs lack several things essential to open-world gaming? such as: 1:you cannot fly- anything- helicopters or planes to navigate the game world.:mad: 2; this [..] View

Anyone else who played the DLC give ur thoughts

Nov 30, 2014, 10:55 am Hey, those of you who own the UPLAY version, and plays the DLCS, ur thoughts so far? i think t-bone is fun, he has charisma that aiden lacks. and i love his knockdowns. and good to know (spoiler aler[..] View

[PS4] NAT problem still... Ctos mobile race fine though..

Nov 29, 2014, 3:53 am Hi so I have had this problem ever since the 3rd day the game was released. I was able to play online perfectly on launch day and the 2nd day but after this "improvement" the team made in online match[..] View

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