Un-Official Watch_Dogs Fan Site




shooting ranges, more indoor places and other stuff

3:01 am, October 7, 2014 Im getting very tired of having to shoot at nothing or at civilians for target practice in watch dogs. mabye adding a shooting range with both stationary and moving targets at varying distances could [..] View

Car steering without my input

11:01 pm, August 26, 2014 I was trying to do some donuts in a car and I noticed every second or so the wheels went straight and back to full left, while I was constantly steering full left on my controller. (So they weren't ac [..] View


11:01 pm, August 12, 2014 Now I MIGHT be the only one experiencing this I don't know - I have seen a lot of people complain about mouse "Acceleration" in this game, but the complete reverse is happening for me. When [..] View

Aiden Pearce won't stop moving

11:01 pm, August 9, 2014 I have the PS4 version of Watch Dogs and suddenly Aiden Pearce won't stand still. I was playing fine for the first few days but now he won't stand still. Is this a know issue or am I doing something w [..] View

Any way to skip a mission?

11:01 pm, July 27, 2014 I've tried about 30 times to do the takedown of Robert Racine. Every time I have either:CrashedBeen killedLost the carDriven into the lakeGot stuck somewhereFailed to even see the car onceFailed to us [..] View

Moving problem

11:01 pm, July 26, 2014 Hey guys, i need your help. Every time when if i holster a weapon, aim, stop aiming, hide weapon or even enter a car the Adian stops moving in the direction he was before the action. Only exception i [..] View

Problem about selecting items

11:01 pm, July 20, 2014 Currently, I have to select items with moving mouse in a store or inventory. This is a little uncomfortable. I can't select the item exactly that I want to choose... I think It will be better if I c [..] View

Burner phones -SPOILER ALERT!-

11:01 pm, July 17, 2014 Spoiler:  I got all the burner phones and I gotta say it was very emotionally moving. Knowing now that Maurice was coerced into his actions really puts him into a grey area at worst or s [..] View

Hands in pockets bugged?

11:01 pm, July 17, 2014 Since the last patch Aiden will not put his hands back in his pockets when slow walking after the last checkpoint is loaded or when he dies. The only way to get the hands in pocket animation to work [..] View

[PS3] Can't continue campaign

11:01 pm, July 11, 2014 I just got this game on the ps3 a few days ago and so far, I love it. The only problem is I cannot continue the campaign story line. I am currently stuck on the "Big Brother" mission and hav [..] View


Moving problem

Dec 26, 2014, 11:22 pm Hey guys, i need your help. Every time when if i holster a weapon, aim, stop aiming, hide weapon or even enter a car the Adian stops moving in the direction he was before the action. Only exception i[..] View

Aiden Pearce won't stop moving

Dec 16, 2014, 11:38 am I have the PS4 version of Watch Dogs and suddenly Aiden Pearce won't stand still. I was playing fine for the first few days but now he won't stand still. Is this a know issue or am I doing something w[..] View

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