Un-Official Watch_Dogs Fan Site




better gunfights and driving- 5 things needed ubi plz read!

11:01 pm, October 15, 2014 1) if the gushots sounded REAL instead of like popping bubble wrap 2) if you had more people fighting WITH you (perhapes online human or A.I-controlled crews) 3) if you could have RPG's, bolt-action [..] View

[PS3] Gameplay

11:01 pm, October 13, 2014 I am playing on the easiest setting and I cannot complete the missions, what is the point of having different settings, easy means easy I gave up playing Assassins Creed because the later games had ru [..] View

Citizen Vehicles

11:01 pm, October 11, 2014 Love the game, been having a blast with it.... BUT! The civilian cars are getting out of control... During a cTos mission or hell just driving in free roam the civilian cars run the intersections, co [..] View

Watch_Dogs "Breaks" Mouse Control in Other Games

11:01 pm, October 6, 2014 Apparently, playing Watch_Dogs and then trying to play any Bethesda game will result in a mouse that won't move. As per this thread: I guess Watch [..] View

Game will not load on PS3 after clean installl

11:01 pm, October 4, 2014 Just bought the game, inserted the disc into my perfectly working PS3 with latest firmware. 1) Followed prompt to download 1.04 in order to play 2) Patch and game download / install to 100% 3) The loa [..] View

Ubi should make a dlc with new multi and single player fixer mission types

11:01 pm, October 3, 2014 how about new missions such as those shown at the E3 2012 demo. e.g assasinations, mercenary contracts (where you fight with a group of A.I-controlled people instead of fighting alone), clearing gang [..] View

Bad Blood, out of control ambulances?

11:01 pm, October 2, 2014 Maybe I'm losing my mind... but after seeing it twice I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed the following: Twice while playing Bad Blood I've come across ambulances that go crazy. If approached, [..] View

[PS3] Game Crash - possible Memoryleak

11:01 pm, September 26, 2014 This is my error report : Country + Format: Denmark Nordic Counties release – PS3 BlueRayDisc Exclusive Edition of Watch Dogs with latest version installed Usernames & Gamertags: [..] View

Please fix multiplayer

11:01 pm, September 25, 2014 Hacking a friend and tailing a friend results in the game soft crashing like 50% to 60% of the time. Soft crashing being my controls lock up, I can't pause or quit the session, but game music and soun [..] View

Billy no mates needs help

11:01 pm, September 25, 2014 Hello Looking for people to play online decryption and street sweeps. No Cheaters, No one who cant control their mic. I'm 45 so older gamers preferred. For the street sweeps I like to get the optiona [..] View

Will there be mouse fix?

11:01 pm, September 25, 2014 Since EnableMouseDamping fixed mouse acceleration pretty well, I am wondering will there be "mouse-sens-changing-on-fly" fix implemented? Mouse is still pretty much unplayable when you can't [..] View

Watch Dogs Gameplay Feedback & Suggestions

11:01 pm, September 24, 2014 I'm making this thread to share my feedback on the OFFLINE GAMEPLAY. I won't - and don't want to - discuss graphical issues, driving physics, online problems or the myriad of other things that have be [..] View

Ubisoft must REALLY not want my money.

11:01 pm, September 24, 2014 Good, because they won't get it. Wii U version won't get any of the DLC? Listen Ubi, its not that Wii U owners don't buy mature games, we do, this isn't the Wii days. In fact did you know ZombiU and [..] View

Bad Blood DLC Glitch PC

11:01 pm, September 24, 2014 I have the season pass and when it came out i downloaded bad blood and started playing i got to the mission "Need of the few" and i couldnt get past it because of a glitch when you breach t [..] View

So I've been away for awhile. What happened to Watch_Dogs? (PC)

11:01 pm, September 23, 2014 Upon release, I had the same issues as everyone else, a bit of framerate problems, some screen tearing here and there, but nothing unplayable, in fact I ran the game on mid-high settings with a solid [..] View

can not shoot while running (logitech F710)

11:01 pm, September 18, 2014 Hellllllp..... I use a Logitech F710 to play watch dogs, I saw a video on youtube, other users can shoot while running. but I can not do it. I use the F710 Xinput mode. and I use the default set [..] View

Ubisoft® unveils Watch_Dogs: Bad Blood DLC

3:01 am, September 17, 2014 UBISOFT® UNVEILS WATCH_DOGS® BAD BLOOD DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT All New Single-Player Campaign, New Playable Character, Co-Op, Challenges and More! Watch Dogs Bad Blood Announcement Teas [..] View

I think stuttering is not Ubi's fault after all...

3:01 am, September 14, 2014's Nvidia's fault instead. And here is why: When Watch_Dogs was released we, 2gb vram users (gtx 680 here) were suffering from stutters while playing the game at high textures because it simply u [..] View

: हरसमस्याकैलिफोनकरे _!_!_ molvi kmal khan ???? love ********** specialist 09829916

11:01 pm, September 7, 2014 WORLD NO.1 POWERFUL BEST INDIAN ASTROLOGER MOLVI JI..09829916185 Get all solutions in your life within 72 hours and with Molvi ji full 100% guaranteed. With in astrology systematic call to 0982991618 [..] View

Black magic @<<<<<specialist ##>>>>>molvi kmal khan ???????//09829916185

11:01 pm, September 7, 2014 WORLD NO.1 POWERFUL BEST INDIAN ASTROLOGER MOLVI JI..09829916185 Get all solutions in your life within 72 hours and with Molvi ji full 100% guaranteed. With in astrology systematic call to 0982991618 [..] View

Love ####********** $$$ specialist >>>> molvi kmal khan <<< 09829916185

11:01 pm, September 7, 2014 WORLD NO.1 POWERFUL BEST INDIAN ASTROLOGER MOLVI JI..09829916185 Get all solutions in your life within 72 hours and with Molvi ji full 100% guaranteed. With in astrology systematic call to 0982991618 [..] View

Love +++++ ********** +++++ specialist ++kmal khan 09829916185 molvi ji

11:01 pm, September 7, 2014 WORLD NO.1 POWERFUL BEST INDIAN ASTROLOGER MOLVI JI..09829916185 Get all solutions in your life within 72 hours and with Molvi ji full 100% guaranteed. With in astrology systematic call to 0982991618 [..] View

Molvi ji ++kmal+++khan ++09829916185++ kamdev ********** specialist **** ji

11:01 pm, September 7, 2014 WORLD NO.1 POWERFUL BEST INDIAN ASTROLOGER MOLVI JI..09829916185 Get all solutions in your life within 72 hours and with Molvi ji full 100% guaranteed. With in astrology systematic call to 0982991618 [..] View

Kmal +++khan +++ molvi ji ++++09829916185 ___ kamdev ********** specialist molvi ji

11:01 pm, September 7, 2014 WORLD NO.1 POWERFUL BEST INDIAN ASTROLOGER MOLVI JI..09829916185 Get all solutions in your life within 72 hours and with Molvi ji full 100% guaranteed. With in astrology systematic call to 0982991618 [..] View

S++s++s kmal khan molvi ji 0982916185 tonna totka ____ ********** ____ specialist

11:01 pm, September 7, 2014 WORLD NO.1 POWERFUL BEST INDIAN ASTROLOGER MOLVI JI..09829916185 Get all solutions in your life within 72 hours and with Molvi ji full 100% guaranteed. With in astrology systematic call to 0982991618 [..] View

B++m++b tonna totka ++++ ********** +++specialist 09829916185 kmal khan molvi ji9

11:01 pm, September 7, 2014 WORLD NO.1 POWERFUL BEST INDIAN ASTROLOGER MOLVI JI..09829916185 Get all solutions in your life within 72 hours and with Molvi ji full 100% guaranteed. With in astrology systematic call to 0982991618 [..] View

C__v__c kmal khan molvi ji kala jadu _@__@_ ********** _@_@_0982916185specialistr

11:01 pm, September 7, 2014 WORLD NO.1 POWERFUL BEST INDIAN ASTROLOGER MOLVI JI..09829916185 Get all solutions in your life within 72 hours and with Molvi ji full 100% guaranteed. With in astrology systematic call to 0982991618 [..] View

Kuresi ))) kala jadu (#(#(#(# ********** specialist <>><09829916185 <><> molvi ji

11:01 pm, September 7, 2014 WORLD NO.1 POWERFUL BEST INDIAN ASTROLOGER MOLVI JI..09829916185 Get all solutions in your life within 72 hours and with Molvi ji full 100% guaranteed. With in astrology systematic call to 0982991618 [..] View

K++u__r__e++s++i kmal khan molvi ji 09829916185 husband wife &*&* divoaec problem sol

11:01 pm, September 7, 2014 WORLD NO.1 POWERFUL BEST INDIAN ASTROLOGER MOLVI JI..09829916185 Get all solutions in your life within 72 hours and with Molvi ji full 100% guaranteed. With in astrology systematic call to 0982991618 [..] View

B__a++l__a )))) husband wife >??> divoaec problem solution kmal khan 09829916185 mo

11:01 pm, September 7, 2014 WORLD NO.1 POWERFUL BEST INDIAN ASTROLOGER MOLVI JI..09829916185 Get all solutions in your life within 72 hours and with Molvi ji full 100% guaranteed. With in astrology systematic call to 0982991618 [..] View

+++t__a__t__a+++ kmal khan molvi ji 09829916185 inter cast >@>?@ love specialist mol

11:01 pm, September 7, 2014 WORLD NO.1 POWERFUL BEST INDIAN ASTROLOGER MOLVI JI..09829916185 Get all solutions in your life within 72 hours and with Molvi ji full 100% guaranteed. With in astrology systematic call to 0982991618 [..] View


11:01 pm, September 7, 2014 WORLD NO.1 POWERFUL BEST INDIAN ASTROLOGER MOLVI JI..09829916185 Get all solutions in your life within 72 hours and with Molvi ji full 100% guaranteed. With in astrology systematic call to 0982991618 [..] View

: हरसमस्याकैलिफोनकरे $@@$ molvi ji kmal khan black @@magic 0982916185 specialist m

11:01 pm, September 7, 2014 WORLD NO.1 POWERFUL BEST INDIAN ASTROLOGER MOLVI JI..09829916185 Get all solutions in your life within 72 hours and with Molvi ji full 100% guaranteed. With in astrology systematic call to 0982991618 [..] View

Husband @@@@@@ wife love problem solution 0982916185 molvi ji

11:01 pm, September 7, 2014 WORLD NO.1 POWERFUL BEST INDIAN ASTROLOGER MOLVI JI..09829916185 Get all solutions in your life within 72 hours and with Molvi ji full 100% guaranteed. With in astrology systematic call to 0982991618 [..] View

(((((((@ black magic #_#_#_#_ specialist _$__$_09829916185 molvi ji >>>>>>

11:01 pm, September 7, 2014 WORLD NO.1 POWERFUL BEST INDIAN ASTROLOGER MOLVI JI..09829916185 Get all solutions in your life within 72 hours and with Molvi ji full 100% guaranteed. With in astrology systematic call to 0982991618 [..] View

?>?>?>?>22black magic ^^^^^ specialist molvi ji 09829916185 <<<<

11:01 pm, September 7, 2014 WORLD NO.1 POWERFUL BEST INDIAN ASTROLOGER MOLVI JI..09829916185 Get all solutions in your life within 72 hours and with Molvi ji full 100% guaranteed. With in astrology systematic call to 0982991618 [..] View

<><><><. Husband wife ()()()()()() love problem solution 09829916185 <><><>,. Molvi

11:01 pm, September 7, 2014 WORLD NO.1 POWERFUL BEST INDIAN ASTROLOGER MOLVI JI..09829916185 Get all solutions in your life within 72 hours and with Molvi ji full 100% guaranteed. With in astrology systematic call to 0982991618 [..] View

>))>)>>)>) love ^^6 ********** *** specialist ____-- molvi ji >>>.09829916185

11:01 pm, September 7, 2014 WORLD NO.1 POWERFUL BEST INDIAN ASTROLOGER MOLVI JI..09829916185 Get all solutions in your life within 72 hours and with Molvi ji full 100% guaranteed. With in astrology systematic call to 0982991618 [..] View

TRACED Trophy cannot be earned!

11:01 pm, September 5, 2014 Hello Ubisoft, I am so angry at whoever decided to put the Traced trophy into the game which requires you to be tailed 5 times by other players in order to receive it. How could you decide to put a [..] View

Watch Dogs is my GOTY for sure

11:01 pm, September 3, 2014 To me W_D is definitely the Game of The Year. It's just so perfect both in looks, sounds and playability. It has fluid and easy controls. It has brill missions and collectables. And although I've [..] View

Ubisoft® unveils watch_dogs® bad blood downloadable content

11:01 pm, September 3, 2014 UBISOFT® UNVEILS WATCH_DOGS® BAD BLOOD DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT All New Single-Player Campaign, New Playable Character, Co-Op, Challenges and More! Watch Dogs Bad Blood Announcement Teas [..] View

[PS3] Game Won't Start

11:01 pm, August 29, 2014 Two days ago, I purchased a copy of Watch Dogs for the ps3 from a store. I put the CD in the ps3, downloaded the updates required for it, and went into the game. Everything seemed to be going fine. Ho [..] View

Car steering without my input

11:01 pm, August 26, 2014 I was trying to do some donuts in a car and I noticed every second or so the wheels went straight and back to full left, while I was constantly steering full left on my controller. (So they weren't ac [..] View

Watchdog should do this FEATURE

11:01 pm, August 25, 2014 I was playing Watchdog in a chasing game with cops, suddenly my controller got low battery. The car run continuously til it crashed and got busted :( I hope when this time comes, the game should autom [..] View

Police system sucks, needs improved

11:01 pm, August 24, 2014 I was on my way to do a ctOS control center and stopped at a crime but the guy shot at me and someone called it in (couldn't get to her in time to stop her call), the police considered Aiden a suspect [..] View

Character goes full silly

11:01 pm, August 24, 2014 Really really annoying bug, many times when I exit a vehicle, my character is completely uncontrollable. Press one direction and he goes another. Press another and he will spin in circles. What gives? [..] View

Character goes full r-tard

11:01 pm, August 23, 2014 Really really annoying bug, many times when I exit a vehicle, my character is completely uncontrollable. Press one direction and he goes another. Press another and he will spin in circles. What gives? [..] View

[PS3] Game stuck at main screen (press 'x')

11:01 pm, August 23, 2014 A newly sealed game, 100% installed and loaded, now I can't get past the main screen where the watchdogs title is and it says to press X. I keep pressing X and nothing happens, my controller is per [..] View

Driving Miss Daisy. . .

3:01 am, August 20, 2014 I have a partially disabled left hand and It's hard for me to drive in Watch Dogs. I would really like the option to steer with the mouse and change views with the arrow keys. I don't feel I should [..] View

ctOS Control Centers

3:01 am, August 19, 2014 Did you know they can all be done by cameras (Aiden doesn't even have to enter the area when the message about restricted area)......need patience for 1 or 2 centers View

[XB360] Continuing Game Causes 360 to Freeze

11:01 pm, August 7, 2014 Hello, I hope no one has already posted about this issue. Forgive me if someone has; I'm new to all this. But I'm having a huge issue when I try to continue my game. The main menu loads up fine, as [..] View

Waiting for the Miracle Patch, and more communication !

11:01 pm, August 4, 2014 Hello ! Just to say that, despite being an excellent game, Watch Dogs has too much critical issues that disgust playing with it and provoke a lot of hate toward Ubisoft ! So we are still wating for [..] View

[PC] Game Loads to a black screen

3:01 am, August 1, 2014 So when I start UPlay it says there is a conflict between saves. Both are the same anyways so I pick one just to find out there is no game saved and I have to start from new. That I ould be fine with [..] View

Does anyone else just feel....bored?

11:01 pm, July 31, 2014 Title pretty much says it all really but I simply couldn't find myself to get involved with the story even into the middle of act 2. There doesn't seem to be a lot of substance to the game more like [..] View

Notoriety - How exactly is it calculated in decryption matches

11:01 pm, July 31, 2014 I've been in a game where I grabbed the file at the start, decrypted it from 0 - 100% without ever dying. Used team proximity help to decrypt the file faster and got the most kills in the game over bo [..] View

WATCH_DOGS Enemies after beating the game...

11:01 pm, July 26, 2014 The guards should respawn in ctOS center control after beating the game. Watch dogs don't have more restricted areas to enjoy the stealth mode of the game. At least this, Ubisoft need add more enemies [..] View

[BUG][XBOX ONE] Using Jam Com, immediately after vehicle entry, often fails to work

11:01 pm, July 26, 2014 Hello all - First, apologies if my formatting is incorrect of if I am posting this in the wrong forum altogether - I am new here. I signed in to my Uplay account to create this post, in hopes that Ub [..] View

[XB360] Wireless controller disconnect when car crash

11:01 pm, July 25, 2014 Hi, I have experienced the controller disconnect whenever there's car crash on a wall or car, and even I walk on the street crash into people, is that a bug ? any update that can fix my problem. m [..] View

Watch_Dogs, Walking Trouble - PC

3:01 am, July 23, 2014 Hello, so I just got Watch_Dogs today, I've waited all afternoon to download the game and when I could finally play I had a bug. Let me introduce my problem, I've just finished watching all the intro [..] View

What we hate, like and want in WD

11:01 pm, July 17, 2014 I am playing Watch Dogs now 1,5 days and a few thing noticed me. Things i don't like in this game are: - Why can't you sit down on a bench or in a shop and have a drink - Why can't you just lean again [..] View

Stuttering at mission completion & disrupting calls! report frame-rate drops!

11:01 pm, July 15, 2014 I know there are many people that experience this problem on the PS4 and I'm frustrated about it not being addressed properly. This is a very annoying next gen fail and I hope that Ubisoft will patch [..] View

Knockdown help

11:01 pm, July 15, 2014 I really can't believe the controls on this game but the issue I have now is Knockdown. Which stupid key is it ? I have tried F I have tried spacebar Why aren't they listed in the options. Reload [..] View

[PS3] cant holster

11:01 pm, July 15, 2014 im not sure if its the game or my controller but im unable to holster my weapon. this cause many problems with gameplay. if im not the only experiencing this then it must be a game bug. otherwise it i [..] View

Watch dogs guards/enemies respawn...

3:01 am, July 15, 2014 The guards should respawn in ctOS center control after beating the game. Watch dogs don't have more restricted areas to enjoy the stealth mode of the game. At least this, Ubisoft need add more enemies [..] View

[Bug] - Online Hacking "Retaliation" Bug (Spawns Character below map and immobile)

11:01 pm, July 13, 2014 Bug Type In-Game GlitchSteps to reproduce Accept random "Online Hacking Retaliation" contract when it pops up while in-game. Reproduction Rate I've received it 1/2 times. As of currently [..] View

Petition for the option to replay missions in Watch_Dogs

11:01 pm, July 11, 2014 EDIT: There already is a post regarding this matter: I really was dissappointed when the game was over and there was no way to enjoy most of it's f [..] View

Watch Dogs on PS4 accuracy

3:01 am, July 11, 2014 Hi All, I find the controls of WD on the PS4 quite difficult, especially - aiming - walking and constantly re-centring the camera (why doesn't it auto-center, unless I sprint?) Do you know if I co [..] View

Why is there no motorcyclists?

3:01 am, July 11, 2014 This seems like a large omission on Ubi's part. I've yet to see a single Motorcyclist in Watchdogs, and yet I see Motorbikes on every other street. So.. when I am joining someones game to do 1v1 hac [..] View

So many annoyances in the first few hours of the game

11:01 pm, July 8, 2014 Picked up Watch Dogs a few days ago, and I must say the first few hours have been frustrating as hell. The game is fun when it does what it is supposed to, but some stuff I came across was just... fak [..] View


1:36 am, July 8, 2014 About WATCH_DOGS (Watch Dogs) Watch Dogs (stylized as WATCH_DOGS) is a 2014 open world action-adventure video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. It was released on 27 May 20 [..] View

Tailing Bug/Glitch

1:25 am, July 8, 2014 Not sure if this has been reported or not but.. if you are tailing a person and they havnt profiled you yet and you are in a car. if the person hijacks the car you are in, you both are in the car, bu [..] View


[XB360] Wireless controller disconnect when car crash

Jan 6, 2015, 5:34 pm Hi, I have experienced the controller disconnect whenever there's car crash on a wall or car, and even I walk on the street crash into people, is that a bug ? any update that can fix my problem. m[..] View

ctOS Control Centers

Dec 4, 2014, 2:53 am Did you know they can all be done by cameras (Aiden doesn't even have to enter the area when the message about restricted area)......need patience for 1 or 2 centers[..] View

Watch_Dogs "Breaks" Mouse Control in Other Games

Dec 2, 2014, 1:43 pm Apparently, playing Watch_Dogs and then trying to play any Bethesda game will result in a mouse that won't move. As per this thread:<a href="[..] View

Bad Blood, out of control ambulances?

Nov 29, 2014, 12:37 am Maybe I'm losing my mind... but after seeing it twice I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed the following: Twice while playing Bad Blood I've come across ambulances that go crazy. If approached, [..] View

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